He's got what probably sounds to non-native ears like well-spoken (almost RP) diction - but it's just off enough, with an ever-present hint of estuary, that I'd rather he spoke in a broad Birmingham accent.
YTers I prefer to listen to, over Whistler, and their accents:
Mike from ThatChapter (Dublin "turty tree")
Atomic Shrimp (English)
Kurzgesagt (very English)
Big Clive (Edinburgh)
Fran Blanche (Mild E. Coast merkin)
Caitlin from Ask a Mortician (Mild W. Coast Merkin)
The Shrouded Hand (Soft Liverpool)
Clint from LGR (soft Southern; think he's in Tennessee?)
Neil from RMC (soft/posh SW English)
Quinn from Snazzy Labs (generic California, I think)
And, of course, the one whose visual style Whistler has wholeheartedly copied:
Michael from Vsauce.
(Also, I'm not convinced about Whistler's fact-checking)
YTers I prefer to listen to, over Whistler, and their accents:
Mike from ThatChapter (Dublin "turty tree")
Atomic Shrimp (English)
Kurzgesagt (very English)
Big Clive (Edinburgh)
Fran Blanche (Mild E. Coast merkin)
Caitlin from Ask a Mortician (Mild W. Coast Merkin)
The Shrouded Hand (Soft Liverpool)
Clint from LGR (soft Southern; think he's in Tennessee?)
Neil from RMC (soft/posh SW English)
Quinn from Snazzy Labs (generic California, I think)
And, of course, the one whose visual style Whistler has wholeheartedly copied:
Michael from Vsauce.
(Also, I'm not convinced about Whistler's fact-checking)