Back before the lockdown and my WFH status, I was on the scrounge for a nicer monitor at work, and found a beautiful HP panel, 1920x1200 or thereabouts. "Come with me, my pretty", I said.
Got it to my desk - VGA only. Laptop has HDMI and USB3/TB ports only.
I mean sure, I could have farted about purchasing adapters and whatnot, but at the end of the day, VGA is a dead, analogue standard which means pressing the auto-adjust button on the monitor every time the power goes out, or it randomly decides to forget its settings, and even then it's not quite right, and you have to adjust the phase or the sharpness or the FUCK THIS GIVE ME A DIGITAL CONNECTION IT'S TWENTY FUCKING TWENTY.
Got it to my desk - VGA only. Laptop has HDMI and USB3/TB ports only.
I mean sure, I could have farted about purchasing adapters and whatnot, but at the end of the day, VGA is a dead, analogue standard which means pressing the auto-adjust button on the monitor every time the power goes out, or it randomly decides to forget its settings, and even then it's not quite right, and you have to adjust the phase or the sharpness or the FUCK THIS GIVE ME A DIGITAL CONNECTION IT'S TWENTY FUCKING TWENTY.