~decision-tree(s) one would ponder--if serious about actually capturing/illuminating the decision-points which are either most likely to escape scrutiny or are,
simply, not well-understood.

To me this 'nexus' should be diagrammed much like those neat graphics of OS-Wars, the useful arrows (whose color/thickness--á lá Tufte--could show at a glance such attributes as granularity (!), severity, maybe even some time-scales, etc.)
--could present huge amounts of interrelated "confirmed-Information"--as simply + completely as is possible/while pointedly evading some..
idiot-Power-Punt obfuscation which merely masquerades as a well-thought out Model does Not-masquerade.
(Such a graphical creation is another huge topic, obviously; but I think it suggests-itself when you read what here is undeniably a clear /necessarily only-verbal summary.
'Summary' of Too Much! for one medium IMO.)

It is easy to criticize some of the vagueness--though in some examples it can be seen that: likely No One has yet any 'perfect' comprehension of more than
a fraction of the interrelations which must occur in some chain from IDing a 'need for better data', on through the processing, stat-analysis, cross-checking and
n-more facets of what we lump-together and call ,,, 'demonstrable-Facts'?

From my POV, even were there to be created this 'graphic', see its refinement/correction and some clever testing of deductions it purports to illustrate,
we might well discover that: no 'committe' (of other than the professionally-immersed) might be able to Use that diagram to any new and superior Results.

It might even serve to demonstrate that 'More Security' ... may be as hollow/bogus? a concept as, the Bizness fantasy-mantra of 'Perpetual Growth'
(as if that were possible on a planet with finite surface area and already-convoluted problems of over-population/energy/thermodynamics Emergencies.)

I did not 'detect' evidence of cynical mind-fucking dissembling nor of patently fuzzy-thinking/speaking; I deemed it an honest overall-assessment of the Stakes
..should the 'Certainty'-driven ideologues ever be given carte blanche to go with their obsessions.
[Such a thing Could-not be spoken, bald-faced! I think is obvious; maybe I imagine its tacit implication? I think he IS 'that smart'.]

I doubt that he could have enhanced 'explaining' of the core of this enigma.. with any more words. (It could have been a much less-clear mish-mash of Patriotic Slogans
and a plea for a Trust-US...Because! melange of [referent-less] Liberty/Freedom/Murican Exceptionalism.

In the end though, this Very Topic is looking more like an Insoluble Problem ie. one whose 'solution' is beyond what our learned oft-imagined algorithms
prove not merely elusive but flat-unWorkable. The complexity of 'facts'-vs-infinite human capacity to misunderstand is larger than our ability to circumvent, IME.

And ... THIS (and now, so many Other huge Topics)--daily deflect worldwide Attention away-from the #1 Issue of Planetary Maintenance as a Crash Program Across All Nations.
Are We yet smart-enough to digest our predicament? It seems daily that, We Are Not.