Of course, he usually does a good speech. He may have a lot of faults, but honesty is not one of them. What he is actually saying is that there will be change in perception only. He will review, there are laws, spooks are people too, blah, blah, blah...
He will review means that he will do whatever the fuck he wants to.
There ARE laws, but we have two standards of law in this country: the high law for the rich and powerful, which may be disobeyed at convenience, and the law for the ruled classes, which can be used to counter the protections of the constitution. Clapper can lie to congress with impunity. Any overreach can be slugged top secret. They can make specious claims that surveillance has stopped huge numbers of attacks, but unfortunately they are all top secret. The ones we hear about are fabricated sting setups and successful attacks.
Like most of his speeches, it's total bullshit.