Do you imagine that the wiles of anyone here (plus your own) can match the combined self-interest of a whole company of lawyers?
There appear to be some obvious and some subtle consequences of the details, including the non-acknowledgment of illness (which you are able to authenticate, document by bills and their dates) - and some leaks of confidential info, as Bill points out. These are obvious bargaining chips. But you have to have some bargaining instruction first. There may well be *lots* you ought not discuss with *their* HR!
You aren't Bill (or me or anyone else here) nor, I think - can you do a particularly good job of pretending a "self-assurance" you say you don't feel.. And in case you have forgotten: in bizness life as in the rest - most often you are playing a role and being judged by others playing their roles. You'd have to act out of character IMhO, to bring off a "change of personality" - ie a Better Bluff than theirs! Y'know?
Whatever are the choices offered you: they are 'devices' of a group which sees some benefit to themselves - whichever choice you make. Clearly this company is not about to explain to you ~ what they are surely aware of:
Any strengths of argument you *would make* - if you had studied the options, were aware of the laws, aware of the company's failings (and perhaps misrepresentations and outright lies too).
Were it I - I would not imagine I could play it all by ear, and choose on instinct: against trained sharks ???
Whatever other uses you have for the $, and however much that worries you - can you think of a better place to spend some $, than having at least one lawyer *working for you* right now?
The mere act of hiring one! might be a most beneficial part of "your role in this play". Further, should your advisor agree: there might be an excellent (and likely personally satisfying - cackle..) way of 'breaking the news' to your resident shark tank..
Anyway.. my advice is: Don't take our or *your own* amateur advice. BUY some professional advice and use the results to the hilt of the sword thrust deep into the collective shark-chest. And smile. Attitude is fucking ALL in these daily idiotic games. You WILL feel more confident, with some help - and you CAN learn how to display that. Yes, you too.
(IMO you are a lot smarter than they think you are, but you are likely Not a better 'bizness actor' than they think you are. No?) So don't 'act as if you know' .. act from knowledge.
(If you 'save' that cost, you'll never know what might have gone better, and you may regret that feeling long after the thrill is gone).