Post #368,303
12/21/12 5:05:45 PM

It's worse than that! It's more like inverted and forming a cavity. As a Speaker he has become a pussy to the teabaggers. He's not even worth having the job of kissing Pelosi's butt.
The man disgusts me.
Post #368,318
12/21/12 9:46:29 PM

Geez, you're back!
Old news, I see, but welcome nevertheless.
Post #368,357
12/22/12 12:27:38 PM

Re: Geez, you're back!
Yes, indeed.
Every time I see your posts, I am reminded of our last interaction relative to Hilary Clinton. While you were wrong about me being an outright misogynist, you were quite right about her talents. She has been a superb Secretary of State and would make a fine president.
Post #368,358
12/22/12 12:39:02 PM

Oh, dear. Did I say that?
Well, I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now.
The prospect of a Hilary Clinton presidency has never warmed the cockles of my heart for reasons having nothing to do with her qualifications and character. Rather, I am nervous about the dynastic tendencies that have been creeping ever more conspicuously into our national politics. What would the presidential sequence of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton say about us?
Post #368,360
12/22/12 1:18:28 PM

Well, there's what you said,
what you think you said, and what I thought you said at the time. The word skank comes to mind.
I'm with you on the dynastic tendencies bit.
Already Chelsey is being global exposure with a role in the Clinton Global Initiative. Generation after generation, the Kennedys can't stay out of politics either. And, on the right, there's always mention of Jeb Bush.
Post #368,361
12/22/12 1:28:08 PM

Yup. The lazy press at work.
It's so much easier for political reporters to build a narrative in their heads, to hang out with the people they have always hung out with, etc., than to do the grunt work of seeing what's going on in the parties in the states.
I think one thing we can count on, no matter how inconvenient it is, that the personalities of politics will be unpredictable in the next 20 years or so.
I could be wrong, though... :-/
Post #368,363
12/22/12 1:49:51 PM

Buenos Nachoes, my yama se Juan Bush 2020 for president
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
Post #368,364
12/22/12 2:09:17 PM

How so?
For what party?
You think the teabaggers are going to be crushed, or what?
You think the Republicans can throw away their 30+ year history of appealing to white resentment and the Democrats are going to roll over and let them take the Hispanic vote?
2020 is only 2 elections from now.
The national Republican brand is toxic. Things are similar to 1964, but worse, for them. They don't have a Nixon to save them this time.
People like O'Malley on the D side won't roll over for a Bush of any sort.
IOW, I don't see it.
Post #368,365
12/22/12 2:30:56 PM

juan is hispanic and 8 years is a long time in politics
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep