[. . .]
Yet the difficulties of documenting official murder in Kenya pale next to the task of penetrating the secret world that threatens to swallow up informed public discourse in this country about AmericaÂs wars. The 250,000 cables that Wikileaks published this month represent only a drop in the bucket that holds the estimated 16 million documents that are classified top secret by the federal government every yearÂ
[. . .]
And, as I responded above to a Beep post, Love. It. that The LIght of Other Days exercise in imagination
... just may be turning ^up^ the candlepower :-0
Perhaps the only Secrets possible in some Next .?. shall be those passed via a sort-of tactile sign-language, should the omni-present IR cameras appear (despite absence of 'wormhole techno' and similar McGuffins needed by the authors.) Brute-force and much cruder, needing jillions of networked stuff -- perhaps maintained by employing those laid-off Armies with nothing left to do (as they have no secret attack plans anymore!)
Well, people Love novels. Remember what that word Means?
Ed: Add:
Indeed, I really Want to see:
'the comforting of the afflicted / the afflicting of the comfortable.'
Excess- 'Comfort' IS a drug. Nuff said.