Congrats on cooling the eigenfunctions, and in such a sorely-vacant field, to er 'boot' - Leadership.
Mixed feelings about your major, though - was hoping you'd be looking into --
umm, say:
"Management of War Crimes Trials in the Modern Era"
A Primer for the fair n'balanced administration of justice to the failed apparatchiks of contemporary Superpowers, as prelude to the gradual reinstatement of their National Constitutions
English for the Thoughtful, I through V
Review courses of Tyranny of Words; Innumeracy; Grooks I through XII
A semester of The Nuremberg Trials - the Complete Record
Completion of the John DeBono Thinking Course
(Other contemporary material to be assigned by panel on aberrant psychology)
Well, something like that.
Anyway.. welcome back to the world of occasional-leisure, the Sat. NYTimes crossword and Comedy Central