Exactly the rationale for when..
Street kid wants to get into local gang.
Big kids say, OK punk - go shoot some random cop.
[like, quite recently - in Sackamenna CA - killed him dead]
The watching, wise-quipping gangbangers, all knowing Code-of-Silence,
(having seen the latest massively popular Mafioso-deifyin Tee Vee series) - to the point of memorizing the comical-tough-lines to drop on new 13 yos:
watch. the. kid. go. out. door, clearly enroute to
1) Acceptance by this Lovely Group
2) 17 virgins -- but first:
3) Life sans parole.
And.. that's All that any One of them next Does.
These kids..? Not. a. RAT. in. the. bunch.
{{{Applause by The Troops}}}