Nah.. all the troops woulda Loved It -
place lousy with engineers, machinists, tool & die pros (who helped on some er, motorcycle bits, now and then.) I learned to use a milling machine! along with lathes and such, early on. Science as -- one huge sand box; make your own toys! (in between making particles go faster n'stuff, natch.)
but what with The Regents of the Univ.. + Fed contracts all over, lawyer-think was pretty inescapable. I'd have been just too bloody Visible, y'know? Had it not been thus, I'm sure that within a few weeks I'd have had the swinkiest Gyrocopter around - some titanium might even have been found in 'salvage'.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these: it might have been.
-- Anon