Hey, it's you who wanted to do the Stepford thing.
I was thinking of the market. Every engineer at NASA/JPL would be lining up to get one of those Stepford clones, and they'd pay plenty for 'em too!
Years ago I'd now and then visit Liz Hargroves "Seminars for Singles" over in Pasadena. The place was always full of engineers and women who wouldn't touch an engineer with a boat hook because they used to be married to one.
As for the whip, I don't remember. If I have one It'd be too hard to find so I'll just buy a new one (with "new whip"tm fresh leather smell). Remember where I live - we've got plenty of manufacturers of and outlets for that sort of gear here in the "Creative Capital of the World".
A woman I used to work with bought her dope from a bearded and tatooed craftsman of just such leather and chrome riveted accessories. She asked him "how do you know these things work?". He replied, "Me and my boyfriend, we try out every one just to make sure".