1) It's (still...) a (complete) Mystery why anything is 'here'. At all.

2) There is (apparently..) Maxwell's Demon (for those who believe in statistics.)

3) There IS (assuredly) Cosmic Humour. (She's fond of the Brit speeling?)

4) Applying mathematical/logical ideas re causality to the jelloware imagineering of the species is (ImHO) a fool's errand - it's a conceit to imagine that we possess any skillz at the umm, extrapolation-of-events?

Mix that all together and ya gets..
for just One example:

But for the noir/brummagem side of Cosmic Humour.?.
we almost "lost" The Berk / Shrub / Village Idiot ...
... to a pretzel!!

Rest case. HTH, etc.