The [link||explosion] - that we've both linked to - which killed that poor fellow was caused by [link||nitroglicerin] - not hair gel. And not writing 5 words on a baggie.
Why don't we ban [link||Toshiba radios] on aircraft?
The point is, TSA is very bad about explaining the reasons for their security procedures. Their rules are seen as arbitrary and capricious. They take actions which don't enhance security, but only serve to annoy people. One week, no liquids are permitted. The next, 3 oz is OK, if it's in a 1 quart plastic bag. The next, one might assume, is that only TSA approved vendors can supply liquids that are carried past checkpoints and a new Microsoft-style monopoloy will be born...
(Who wonders: How long we can loop around this topic before we're all driven insane? And who figures that eventually we're going to learn to tolerate a small risk of violent death on commercial aircraft, or we're all going to have to fly nude.)