There you go again... No, I'm not. YOU, OTOH, definitely are
Ben blithers on:
You continue to think that we have every reason to believe that he wasn't using a condom. In fact we don't.
Other than the fact tht he didn't say a single word about using one, in his initial diatribe, you mean? Sure, that may not be "every" reason... But it is *one* reason to believe he didn't, and he hasn't given *any* specific reason to believe he *did*.
Am I being "slow on comprehension" again, Mr Mathematician, in thinking that one is more than zero?
I personally know enough people who got pregnant while using condoms that I know that from direct experience.
Yeah, you keep gibbering about that, as if it had anything to do with anything. I must admit, in this particular respect, I *am* slow on comprehension -- because I still can't see WHAT, exactly, this fascinating anecdotal evidence has to do with this rat bastard's behaviour towards his daughter.
General statistics show that you don't know that he wasn't using a condom. Perhaps you should ask him?
I've got one number for you, fuckwit: 259437. WHO, exactly, was it that was "slow on comprehension", again?
Before flaming him?
Uhh... Do you have *any* idea what you're saying, you *total* fucking moron?
As for being tricked, it is easy to blame someone for not doing more and for believing a woman.
And even easier, for not being a man afterwards, taking his responsibility for the life he created; and, easier *still*, for whining about having been "tricked" in stead.
But how many men here can honestly say that they've never been in a position where they had sex and depended on the woman for birth control? When they weren't married to that woman?
Not too many, at a guess.
So fucking what? The pertinent question would be, how many men here have had sex, depended on the woman for birth control, lost that gamble, and *not* shirked their responsibility and whined about being "tricked"?
And you know what? That's a trick question. Because the ones who did that, lost the gamble, and *did* shirk their responsibility and whine about being "tricked" aren't men, they're arseholes!
I, for one, sure can't put my hand up.
Well, bully for you, that you've had a life.
And congratulations on not screwing it up, i.e, on not winning the Who Wants To Be A Daddy lottery at an inopportune moment.
Even more congratulations are apparently in order, for the fact that this spared you from having to find out if *you* would have been a man or an arsehole in that situation.
I find it hard to come down like a ton of bricks on someone who probably just took a risk like ones that I know I took. And was unlucky and got burned while I didn't.
Then don't; nobody is asking you to.
And I don't like watching others come down like a ton of bricks on them as well.
Well, tough fucking titties, baby. Just because *you* aren't up to telling these arseholes the unpleasant truth about what they are (possibly because it entails facing an unpleasant truth about what you would have done yourself?), doesn't entitle you to denying the truth when someone else tells it.
Also, it's not like he wasn't ASKING for it, posting his tale of woe on the fricking Intarweb -- and in this particular forum -- now is it?
Switch to something more appropriate, fuckwit.
The great masses of people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. -- Adolf Hitler
BTW, I've been wondering (since I first noticed your new .sig, actually, a while before this thread started): Are you sure that should be "victims", in the plural? I thought "to fall victim to something" is a fixed expression, the form of which doesn't change however many people are falling victim to whatever it is they are falling victim to.