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New handles == pointers or ID's to bigger things
>> Now, _integers_ do not have any internals. There has to be something behind those "integers" to hold the connection. And therein lies the reason why all Bryce vs OOP discussions have been so pointless. Bryce, you are _scripting_ objects. The things that your pseudocode operates on are objects. You work at JavaScript level. At that level, objects are rarely useful. But, when you have to implement things that are behind ch and rh, objects come in handy. <<

Handles are simply ID's. They point to some structure, table, record, object, desk, or whatever. IOW, "rh" points to something that contains the value or address of "ch". Scripting has nothing to do with it. An ID is an ID. A simple integer (or string) is sufficient to hold one.

From the API user's perspective, it does not matter what that handle references. It does not matter if it points to an object or a gerbil; for that is hidden (abstracted away) for the API user's benefit. The concept existed long before Simula-67.

Even if OOP (allegedly) helps implement those internals, it is not shown to be a helper for the user of the API. I don't build table engines for a living, so I don't know that side of things well enough to really comment on OOP's help there. I am mostly viewing this from an application developer's perspective. What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander (especially those tampons, they poke sensitive things). I don't believe in one-language/paradigm-fits-all.

(I suppose strong-typed languages may protect the API user from using the wrong handle with the wrong API in some circumstances.)
New Looks like we're in agreement.
New So "OOP is of little or no use for custom biz apps"
I don't think others here agree with that assertation. They are usually of the "OO is good everywhere" mindset. If they have changed, it is news to me. Otherwise, now they will start throwing rocks at *you*. Your turn at the crusafix.
New No, that part is incorrect.
One major part that makes OO useful is that if GetNext is a method of the object DataBaseHandle, then the compiler ensures that you can only call GetNext with a DataBaseHandle. If GetNext is a conventional function being based an opaque handle, then GetNext can only check at run-time that it is being based a DataBaseHandle.

It doesn't sound like much of an advantage, but it is.

And interpreted languages are another case entirely that I don't think we'd better tackle here and now.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New re: compile-time protection
>> It doesn't sound like much of an advantage, but it is. <<

No, I *don't* see that a signif advantage. Those kinds of errors are not the problems that hog the most debug time IME. Waiting for run-time to find out you are using the wrong handle is a very minor issue in the vast majority of cases. Regardless, I don't really care that much whether I use "handle.action" or "action(handle)".

The ideal API would use the default connection handle automatically anyhow, so that there are fewer handles to confuse to begin with for most calls. If everybody thot like me when they design crap, the world would simply just work smoother. (Stop choking please.)

Further, I prefer interpreted environments (perhaps with a Lint-like utility for some early warning.) If I was forced into OOP, I would probably go with Smalltalk or Python than Java or Eiffle or OOPascal (marketability being the same). Thus, haven't given much thot to strong-typed or compile-protection-happy T.O.P.
New Go away, Bryce.
You asked - politely, I might add - about using objects and classes and I answered. And it turns you don't (still) like the answers. I stand by them. I don't know you well enough to know if you get some perverse enjoyment out of this type of discussion, but I generally don't.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Okay, but first I have to get the last word in
>> And it turns you don't (still) like the answers <<

Becuase you are comparing OOP to CRAPPY P/R. If you compare the tram to a Yugo, of course people are gonna take the tram. That extra middlemen arrays and stuff between the query and your loop is UNNECESSARY, yet you were quick to use it to hype up OOP.

Garbage reasoning like that simply reinforces my view of how delusional some OO fans are.

>> I stand by them <<

Then you are unreachable and irrational in my book. And a sh8tty procedural programmer at that.

New Oh my...
Bryce you are an Oxymoron.

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New The king of OOP is typeless
(that would be Smalltalk, of course).

OOP is first and foremost a way to organize info in your head. It existed before the invention of "objects" in the form of APIs and handles. Of course, using _real_ OO language helps to make it easier, but, just like a concept of procedure existed before Fortran, the concept of "object" existed before Simula or C++. It just was not called that way.
New I agree with your premise, but....
>> The king of OOP is typeless (that would be Smalltalk, of course) <<

I didn't say otherwise. I would note that Smalltalk lacks certain protections of the typed OOPL's IIRC. As long as the message names match, it generally ain't care.

>> OOP is first and foremost a way to organize info in your head <<

Some OO fans may dispute this. They may say it reduces actual change work (maintenance effort) by reducing the average number of different spots that need changing. However, I would also note that every head is different. Tables are easier for me to grok than code. Thus, the more control and management info factored into tables, the easier it is for me to grok not only the structure, but the control contents themselves.

>> Of course, using _real_ OO language helps to make it easier <<

The "easier" part excapes me. Nobody can externally isolate it, instead telling me to just try it for 7 years and will eventually "click".

>> the concept of "object" existed before Simula or C++. It just was not called that way. <<

In my view, some zealots got carried away with certain "cute" ideas and made languages around such extremism. For example, the flexibility of has-a overrides any minor code savings from the "automatic dispatching" of polymorphism (is-a) IMO. IOW, has-a has a lower cost of "degeneration" away from mutually-exclusive divisions by sub-categories. (I know, not all polymorphism requires that, but the vast majority of it in modeling does.)
New People's brains are different indeed
In my view, some zealots got carried away with certain "cute" ideas and made languages around such extremism.

Or, to tone down the language, some people created languages to suit the way they thought.

Other people created Lisp. Turns out, "Code is data" does not mean self-modified code. I recently found that it means something else, much deeper: you can actually store/present your data as code, to a point that dictionary data structure needs no data at all, it's just a function.

Still other people created Prolog. Give me logical constraints, and I will create a solution that satisfies them. Or a few solutions. May be in a second, may be in a week.

But most people think in terms of "things" doing something to other "things". Hence the popularity of OOP. As long as there is one big "thing" doing everything in the code, you don't need it. When you have more than 1 - sorry, can't escape it. Whether you call things "objects" or not.

You, apparently, dont think in such terms. I'd like to know how you think. Long rambling "stream of consciousness" about a programming problem would be appreciated.

New head survey?
>> Or, to tone down the language, some people created languages to suit the way they thought. <<

I think *every* language is like this for the most part. A universal metric has never been found (or at least agreed on).

>> I recently found that it means something else, much deeper: you can actually store/present your data as code, to a point that dictionary data structure needs no data at all, it's just a function. <<

Perhaps. However, I lean more toward "code as data" rather than "data as code". Tables give a 2D view of information relationships, whereas code gives a mostly 1D view.

>> But most people think in terms of "things" doing something to other "things". Hence the popularity of OOP. <<

I won't dispute that some people indeed think that way, however, I question your suggestions of commonality. Many hard-core OO fans often complain that most programmers "keep slipping and slidding back to procedural", suggesting that the guts of these "slackers" are really procedural, or at least mixed.

>> You, apparently, dont think in such terms. I'd like to know how you think. Long rambling "stream of consciousness" about a programming problem would be appreciated. <<

Isn't that how you guys characterize my website? :-)

I just seem to grok controlling information better as tables than as programming code for the most part. Tables are like the rolls of punched paper in player pianos: you don't have to grok how the piano works to see the tune. A flag will say, "I do feature X", but you don't have to bathe in the details about how feature X is implemented right then and there. The simple "what" is not mixed into the complex "how". Doing such drags them *both* down.

>> As long as there is one big "thing" doing everything in the code, you don't need it. When you have more than 1 - sorry, can't escape it. Whether you call things "objects" or not. <<

This seems to be saying that OOP is "better partitioned" than p/r. I dispute that. Things are divided by "tasks" in code (and entities in the db). No matter how huge the app/system is, each task can be considered relatively independantly. Plus, you don't get near the protocol coupling as you often do in OOP IMO. The tables are the large-scale glue and not code, and tables are easier to grok than code.

New Re: head survey?
I've been told my head was unusually large and gave my mother problems at birth.

Oh, wrong topic.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Is that why she walks funny? :-)
New Here's an idea for you.
I just seem to grok controlling information better as tables than as programming code for the most part. Tables are like the rolls of punched paper in player pianos: you don't have to grok how the piano works to see the tune.

You have an advantage on me, then. I can't read piano roll notation. I tried it in a sequencer several years ago; nup, couldn't do it. So I found another sequencer that works entirely in manuscrupt.

So I suggest you might want to be more upfront about not grasping OO thinking. A hot "I can't understand it, so it sucks!" is rather less effective than a "I'm sorry, I don't get it - no, don't bother explaining, it's okay" or an "It still doesn't really make sense; have I got this bit right? ___", depending on what you're fishing for.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New how != why
>> You have an advantage on me, then. I can't read piano roll notation. I tried it in a sequencer several years ago; nup, couldn't do it. So I found another sequencer that works entirely in manuscrupt. <<

I made a custom MIDI sequencer based on tablization and "piano-roll" views:


>> So I suggest you might want to be more upfront about not grasping OO thinking...."...have I got this bit right?..." <<

I am not quite sure what you mean. There are two different issues here:

1. Understanding how an OOP program works.

2. Understanding *why* it is "better".

#1 is generally not the problem (aside from OO-Visitor, but it is not used much in practice anyhow.)

The more I tried studying it, #2 did not improve at all. If anything, I found more stupid justifications for OOP in the books. Something is either wrong with 95% of all OOP authors, or something is wrong with OOP. The second is the most likely. BTW, does anybody here want to defend Meyer's "panel" thingy in OOSC2?

To sell me, I would have to see some good examples of OOP business applications side-by-side with decent p/r versions, and a detailed account of why the OOP version is better using things such as change impact analysis.
New Getting inside your head...
What I'd love to see is a demonstration of a solution for a problem that you'd encounter in your code. Not solution itself, even. How you thought to arrive at the solution. For example, in OO I often say to myself: "This bunch of functions looks like an object interface. Time to introduce another object". Or, "I don't know how to divide responcibilities here, I don't understand who does what to whom. Am I missing an important actor?"

That's the kind of dialog I'd like to see here, but done your way.
New Maybe in a new thread though... ;-)

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New (I moved discussion to Flame Quarantine area)
New Not necessary...
Everyone has been pretty civil so far (other than *cough*Christian*cough*).

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Does he ever STOP???

It's been what... 6 years now???

Rolls eyes

if [ -z tablizer_post or [ -r tablizer_post and -k tablizer_post ] ]
then set TABLIZER_IGNORE = 1
export TAB_DISPLAY=/dev/null


greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New answers: no, 3, whatever, chicken!
New You missed the meaning again... Same as always...
Since we were still at forums.infoworld.com.

You started pretty early, no later than early 1997.

It read like this:

If in testing your post being (-z) zero length of tangible text OR it is (-r)readable and you are being (-k)sticky, then set the IGNORE bit and any further display to goto the bit-bucket.

Sorry, had to explain that for you. I am sure others picked it up...

Have a nice day!

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New I prefer readable scripting languages
New Then you cannot know...
how to program as those were just the easy bits, called Shell Scripting, one of the MOST basic of all scripting "languages".

Best part is: I made them with the modified syntax just to make it easier for people (with a brain) to read. And you still failed!!!


Bryce, sometimes you just kill me...with your stupiidity.

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New Give me tools that fit the way I think and I can.....
....program circles around you OO zealots.

BTW, if your scripting tools are so "easy", then how come it takes a jillions lines just to get and loop thru a query result????

Perhaps "easy to fubar" an otherwise simple program.
New Heh! Certainly one possibility...
The other, of course is to get someone who is flexible enough to use existing tools for their strengths in particular tasks.
Feel free to disagree as to which is easier to implement...

New jack of all trades, master of none
>> The other, of course is to get someone who is flexible enough to use existing tools for their strengths in particular tasks. Feel free to disagree as to which is easier to implement... <<

My observation is that there is a general tradeoff. Even God does not give out free lunches. Some can fairly easily shuttle among paradigms and always be "adaquate". Others will be wizzes in one tool/paradigm type, and lackluster at others.

As an experiment, I would like to force CRC to use Smalltalk and Jay to use Delphi.

(Sure, there may be a few that master and shine in all, but those are a minority. Besides, most programming is dealing with goofy users and PHB BS politics rather than raw development anyhow.)

New That would be me, kinda sorta...
I have never been in one situation long enough to be, by my standards, an absolute master of any technology. I do provide always a respectable product, as on time as possible, in budget as is possible. Often, much of the project circumstances are beyond my control. I live with it.

I started doing Intel assembler. Got kinda good at 8080/85 coding. Switched to PLM/86 when 8088's became popular. Learned C because I was tasked with producing libc for PLM. Used DOS 2.11 boxes as cheap development machines. Did embedded stuff using C with PC's as development platforms (cheap again.)Did protocol converters (honeywell dps-6/8) in DOS, then ported to unix (Sun NEWS and X), os2, and windows in that order. Went to Diebold, where I mucked about with DB/2, getting into databases (os/2), and later another place where I got to do proprietary DB work, but the Seimens stuff used KSH, the Solaris stuff used SH, and the rest of the fuckwits used MS Windows in flavors. Mostly C. Learned a lot of scripting and fell in love with perl. Tilly's undoubtedly better than me at perl, but that makes my code no worse... Now, I'm back to doing driver and low-level utility work for Windows again (C/C++).

I've got no religion on this. I don't like MS but I've got a wife and puppies to feed and this is arguably more genteel than shoveling shit. I may not be a master at any one given field, but I give good value if I'm hired. I do good designs, and I hit my numbers if not fucked with too much. I can work with whatever tools I am provided with, although I am not above making suggestions that would make my life easier.

This is the point that you miss... the focus is the project, not you. Some projects can profit from OO; others can't afford the overhead. If you can't get your mind around OO, find slimmer projects or legacy projects. You might want to find somewhere that you work well rather than forcing others to fit your limitations (CRC aint gonna bite anyway.)

(almost a master of a bunch of stuff...)
New There are NO tools that can make a 3-yo moron a watchmaker.
Some crafts just take skills that not all people have, and no tools -- however advanced or "fit the way I think" -- can give them those.

Which of these phenomena do you think *I* think you are an example of...?
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New My apps can kick your apps butt, neener neener
New OUCH... No recovery Possible Bryce....

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New Ive cut my trees ate my lunch now where is the newspaper?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New ask and you shall receive
[link|http://www.jes.com/pb/|non oop tool]
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New Seems a little weak in the relational department
although I wonder if there are SQL hooks for it now?

And numerical subroutine names don't look very fun either. If you are gonna stick me in the past, then stick me with XBase or PL/SQL or something. It interestingly does seem to be fairly type-free though, almost like Perl.
New Too bad, ya gotta stick with Xbase only.
Hadn't you heard? -- PL/SQL went OO too, a couple years ago or so.
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Laf, hardly.
Not until 9i is PL/SQL something that can be called more than remotely OO.

Having objects doesn't make something OO. :-) 8i's object relational features are pretty bad.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New tells u what the 2 richest men in the world think of OO ;-)
New Yeah, but Sssshhhh!
El Adminoman:
Not until 9i is PL/SQL something that can be called more than remotely OO.

Having objects doesn't make something OO. :-) 8i's object relational features are pretty bad.
You don't think *Bryce* knew that before you told him, do you?

Go undermining my argument like that -- just because it's a little bogus... Sheesh! ;^>

[With thanks to the BOx for reviving the thread... Or NOT! :-]
   Christian R. Conrad
Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time.
-- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=42971|Andrew Grygus]
New what hazn't?
>> Hadn't you heard? -- PL/SQL went OO too, a couple years ago or so. <<

Almost anything that is still alive stuck some OOP-ish features in in order to appear modern on PHB feature checklists. A powerful fad that OO.

All the XBase's added classes, etc. also. That was disappointing because they could have easily tablized everything. FoxPro even went *away* from tablizing its GUI setups.

Note that Oracle Forms can tablize it's GUI's I hear. More on that at the slow ezboard.
New OOP is no use for relatively small apps.
OOP is of little of no use when you write stuff at JavaScript level. And even in that case, youend up calling metods, even if you call object "handles".

On the other hand, in a large project there happens a point where your own data structures/code become as complex as underlying DB access code/data. So, if you agree that OO is good for writing "those internals", you may consider usong OO for your own code, as it grows as complex as "internals". As long as you can manage w/o "handles" (objects) and APIs (member functions) - fine, keep on using procs.
Expand Edited by Arkadiy Jan. 22, 2002, 07:21:26 PM EST
New on scalability
>> And even in that case, you end up calling metods, even if you call object "handles". <<

Taking credit for handles is going al gOOre overboard. A handle is simply an ID that points to a larger thingy. That is as much a database concept as it is OOP.

>> On the other hand, in a large project there happens a point where your own data structures/code become as complex as underlying DB access code/data. <<

IMO, the p/r model is *more* scalable for these reasons (at least):

1. One focuses generally on one task at a time, regardless of the project size.

2. Tables and large ER setups are easier to grok than large class networks. (Usually a lower protocol-coupling ratio also).

3. P/r tends to factor common patterns into tables instead of code structures, where non-programmers or newbies can manage the control info without ever touching code. The Report Manager example is a case in point: most new reports are simply specified with data in tables. OTOH, most OOP puts all that info in code, where attributes and algorithms are all mixed together in a hard-to-navigate soup.

ADMIN: is there an area we can take these battles so that they don't "clutter" the regular stuff? I know that some of you don't like these kind of discussions. Thus, if they can be moved to a dark corner somewhere, they may not bother you as much.
New Thingy
Here is a challenge for you. Try to explain what a handle points to without using a word that is a sinonym of "object".

WRT taking credit: I am not. I am actually saying that handles and APIs have a lot to do with the appearnce of OOP idea. The idea of object was somewhat derived from them. And then, it turned out, the better is an API written, the easier it fits into that new approach (better in a sence that existed _before_ objects).

WRT scalability: I've never said that there are no other good approaches that scale up. I am just saying that OOP does not scale down quite as well.
New All Your Nouns Are Belong To Us
>> Here is a challenge for you. Try to explain what a handle points to without using a word that is a sinonym of "object". <<

That is a little hard since any noun could be called an "object". Every paradigm deals with nouns, just differently. OOP simply tends to group and focus on them more than others. Its philosophy is that Nouns is King. IOW, it does not just "have" nouns, it elevates them.

But the practicality of it is that I don't know what handles point to in most cases. It could be pointing to gerbals on treadmills powering the database. That implimentation detail is abstracted away such that the app developer does not have to worry about that when they use the handle. Perhaps OOP implements gerbals better, but that won't help the handle user because they don't see the basement.

New How very interesting.
He almost gets it, Arkadiy...


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New And youses can *almost* articulate the benefits
>> He almost gets it, Arkadiy... <<

The only thing solid you have come up with is that some OOP langs can protect against the wrong ID (handle) being used on the wrong entity/object/gerbal/thingy. There are ways to do such without OOP if it was really a signficant issue.

Is that the best you can do? It does not extrapolate into the "dynamically typed" OOP langs. Does that mean we should toss those? Jay is gonna be sad.

Rasberries for all
     PHP quibbles. - (static) - (77)
         And the documentation is worse - (drewk) - (74)
             That's a wierd one. - (static) - (73)
                 Empty(OOP) - (tablizer) - (72)
                     Classes in PHP. - (static) - (71)
                         Feathering my Ruffles? - (tablizer) - (70)
                             Do you really want to know? :-) - (static) - (69)
                                 Same thing in phpIWT - (admin) - (2)
                                     References? - (static) - (1)
                                         The issue... - (admin)
                                 why subclass? - (tablizer) - (63)
                                     If you won't get it, please say so. - (static) - (62)
                                         I *never* "got" classes. You know that. - (tablizer) - (61)
                                             Well, with that out of the way... - (static) - (58)
                                                 apples to oranges - (tablizer) - (57)
                                                     I'm sorry? - (static) - (56)
                                                         I don't believe you - (tablizer) - (53)
                                                             "and that is why you fail". - (static) - (52)
                                                                 Looks syntax-heavy to me - (tablizer) - (51)
                                                                     I really wonder why I'm doing this. - (static) - (50)
                                                                         no gap - (tablizer) - (49)
                                                                             Yes, there is a gap. - (static) - (1)
                                                                                 not just a "mere add-on" - (tablizer)
                                                                             I think I see what's going on... - (Arkadiy) - (46)
                                                                                 handles == pointers or ID's to bigger things - (tablizer) - (45)
                                                                                     Looks like we're in agreement. -NT - (Arkadiy) - (44)
                                                                                         So "OOP is of little or no use for custom biz apps" - (tablizer) - (43)
                                                                                             No, that part is incorrect. - (static) - (16)
                                                                                                 re: compile-time protection - (tablizer) - (3)
                                                                                                     Go away, Bryce. - (static) - (2)
                                                                                                         Okay, but first I have to get the last word in - (tablizer) - (1)
                                                                                                             Oh my... - (folkert)
                                                                                                 The king of OOP is typeless - (Arkadiy) - (11)
                                                                                                     I agree with your premise, but.... - (tablizer) - (10)
                                                                                                         People's brains are different indeed - (Arkadiy) - (9)
                                                                                                             head survey? - (tablizer) - (8)
                                                                                                                 Re: head survey? - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                                                                                     Is that why she walks funny? :-) -NT - (tablizer)
                                                                                                                 Here's an idea for you. - (static) - (1)
                                                                                                                     how != why - (tablizer)
                                                                                                                 Getting inside your head... - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                                                                                                                     Maybe in a new thread though... ;-) -NT - (admin)
                                                                                                                     (I moved discussion to Flame Quarantine area) -NT - (tablizer) - (1)
                                                                                                                         Not necessary... - (admin)
                                                                                             AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - (folkert) - (19)
                                                                                                 answers: no, 3, whatever, chicken! -NT - (tablizer) - (18)
                                                                                                     You missed the meaning again... Same as always... - (folkert) - (17)
                                                                                                         I prefer readable scripting languages -NT - (tablizer) - (16)
                                                                                                             Then you cannot know... - (folkert) - (15)
                                                                                                                 Give me tools that fit the way I think and I can..... - (tablizer) - (14)
                                                                                                                     Heh! Certainly one possibility... - (hnick) - (2)
                                                                                                                         jack of all trades, master of none - (tablizer) - (1)
                                                                                                                             That would be me, kinda sorta... - (hnick)
                                                                                                                     There are NO tools that can make a 3-yo moron a watchmaker. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                                                                                                         My apps can kick your apps butt, neener neener -NT - (tablizer)
                                                                                                                         OUCH... No recovery Possible Bryce.... -NT - (folkert)
                                                                                                                         Ive cut my trees ate my lunch now where is the newspaper? -NT - (boxley)
                                                                                                                     ask and you shall receive - (boxley) - (6)
                                                                                                                         Seems a little weak in the relational department - (tablizer) - (5)
                                                                                                                             Too bad, ya gotta stick with Xbase only. - (CRConrad) - (4)
                                                                                                                                 Laf, hardly. - (admin) - (2)
                                                                                                                                     tells u what the 2 richest men in the world think of OO ;-) -NT - (tablizer)
                                                                                                                                     Yeah, but Sssshhhh! - (CRConrad)
                                                                                                                                 what hazn't? - (tablizer)
                                                                                             OOP is no use for relatively small apps. - (Arkadiy) - (5)
                                                                                                 on scalability - (tablizer) - (4)
                                                                                                     Thingy - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                                                                                                         All Your Nouns Are Belong To Us - (tablizer)
                                                                                                         How very interesting. - (static) - (1)
                                                                                                             And youses can *almost* articulate the benefits - (tablizer)
                                                         You can't reason with many people about many things. -NT - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                             the p/r api's are either fixable or not - (tablizer)
                                             Then why the HECK did you even ask, you UTTER moron?!? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                                 Ah well, Bryce is programming without class - (nking)
                                 I noticed that, too - (drewk) - (1)
                                     Actually, it sort of works. - (static)
         Program you way around it - (nking) - (1)
             PHP doesn't really have that problem. - (static)

That’s a great, great story. Therefore, it’s too good to be true.
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