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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Stop thinking and start doing
Get out there and do the video store thing.

It might thrill the heck out of you once you are really doing it.

Take that firefighter exam. If you don't pass, you don't have to worry about being killed in a fire. Except that lots of people who aren't firefighers are, which is why there are fire fighters.

You won't know what thrills you by thinking about it. Only by doing it.

I'm pursuing an opportunity outside of computing because of how I felt doing some work just to pay a bill. I though it would suck. I loved it. I ain't going back in a box to pound keys all alone no more.
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Get out there and do SOMETHING
Yeah, the living wage is the goal.

But for now, getting yourself in motion is the short-term goal. Now, I don't have much to say about the Protestant work ethic, beyond the impression that it sounds heretical and not in a good way to me. But it sounds to me like you are a man in desperate need of the pleasure that comes from doing something and getting paid for it. The living wage will come later. Now you need to so something - I reccomend something that will get you sweaty and require you to shower afterwards - that brings in a few bucks and the knowledge that you did something that somebody was willing to pay you for.

I speak from experience. In my recent stretch of unemployment, the occasional odd job did me a world of good even though I wasn't getting paid a days expenses for a day's work.
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New I am out there coach, but nobody is passing me the ball
That is nobody wants to hire me, yet. Most of the employers take their own sweet time getting back to me. Like those calling me now had my application and resume in Nov/Dec 2001. Some had it since 2000.

Most that call me back, either set up one interview in a series of interviews, or tell me that while my background is impressive, they regret that they cannot hire me. Whatever that means.

I've even applied for local jobs in stores and warehouses, and got nothing. Most saying I was overqualified, or that they have enough people and are starting to lay off after the holiday season is over.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Nobody ever passes anybody the ball - ya gotta steal it
Well, actualy, I did get a couple of passes, and one of them worked out very nicely.

But before that happened, I was hitting it hard. I printed personal business cards with contact info and my desired job title, and I handed those to everybody. Everybody. My daughter's orthodontist got one. People renting costumes at my wife's shop got one. Everybody I know, and everybody my wife knows, is aware of what I can do - and not just in my normal profession, because let's face it, my wife's ex-boss's sister doesn't need a web developer. But she does need the crap hauled out and the walls repainted in the flat her mother just vacated for a nursing home.

If I weren't doing stuff like that, I'd never have had the huzpa to win the primo gig I'm doing now. Antidepressants help too. Look, I've just taken on a management position (I have no management experience) in a field where I have no experience, with "IS Manager" as a side-job to justify a salary way above the posted maximum for the position, because the President of the company desperately wanted to hire me even though I was completely honest about my lack of qualifications. And I'm going to make it, despite knowing jack about what I'm doing, because I feel good enough about myself to ask enough questions and delegate enough and generaly use the help my co-workers are offering so that a month from now I'll be the best damned Logistics Manager (whatever the hell that is) they ever saw.

You don't go in desperate and unemployed and make that kind of impression. You go in confident and self-employed and ready do it.

I got my share of rejection. Resume's and calls that didn't get answered, interviews that went nowhere.

I didn't start winning until I convinced myself that my worst-case scenario was working my ass off in the crappy little jobs that are always, no matter how bad the economy or how widely distributed the blacklist, available, to keep my family alive. I came to the conclusion that I would survive, by sheer determined service and doing what needed to be done. I would not lose the house. My family would not starve. Life might suck bigtime, the credit card people and doctors might get real cranky and the taxman might have some questions, but we would survive.

I got some more rejection after that. Attitude is NOT everything.

And then I walked into an interview with my head high, knowing that I didn't need the job so much as the guy on the other side of the desk needed what I could do for him. OK, I was damned lucky. But I was ready to grab the lucky break and make something out of it.

Yech. Stuart Smalley here - I'm going to make it - because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! Pathetic. But true.

"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New and ... "Stuart Saves His Family"!
It was a good film. :-)

[link|http://www.hollywood.com/movies/detail/movie/185437|Review here.]


     Alternatives to IT work - (nking) - (31)
         What do you like? - (Another Scott) - (8)
             I am limited, it seems - (nking) - (7)
                 Only by your own thoughts - (Steve Lowe)
                 Limited by your own definition of "good", perhaps? - (CRConrad) - (4)
                     One small logical error there... - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                         Re: One small logical error there... - (Steve Lowe)
                     Dont forget Mrs Nking has a stable Job - (boxley) - (1)
                         Yes she does - (nking)
                 You're confusing wants and needs. - (Another Scott)
         Stop thinking and start doing - (mhuber) - (4)
             Get out there and do SOMETHING - (mhuber) - (3)
                 I am out there coach, but nobody is passing me the ball - (nking) - (2)
                     Nobody ever passes anybody the ball - ya gotta steal it - (mhuber) - (1)
                         and ... "Stuart Saves His Family"! - (Another Scott)
         bad back leaves out firefighting - (boxley) - (1)
             You are right - (nking)
         How about teaching? - (tjsinclair) - (3)
             Good people skills - (nking) - (2)
                 You could teach an online course... - (tjsinclair) - (1)
                     That would work - (nking)
         Strong Interest Inventory, WCIYP - (kmself) - (7)
             Strong (heh!) second on both counts! -NT - (Steve Lowe)
             I took one of those in high school - (nking) - (5)
                 Norm - get a lawyer ASAP - (bconnors) - (4)
                     Where do I look for a lawyer? - (nking) - (3)
                         Can you remember any law firms that your old one hated? - (boxley) - (1)
                             Nope, cannot remember them - (nking)
                         lots of places - (bconnors)
         Other jobs I could work for - (nking) - (2)
             Attention: Norm.... - (slugbug) - (1)
                 Thanks, - (nking)

Sit down there, you. Your shuns have no effect on me anymore.
64 ms