To whom did it happen? Well to those of us who lived it on a more personal level, it happened to us, if that makes any sense.

The minute I saw the words written there on the Uncyclopedia site, the old familiar chill of he-who-we-try-not-to-mention-anymore, came back in a vengeance. Was it funny? Not really to me, because it was a reminder of all the hate he has spewed over the many years I've dealt with it. I've heard and seen it all before so much, I can practically quote him without looking.

And then, here's the rub, Christian. (I think that's the right phrase?). He always WANTED everyone to believe he was funny. He claimed he did all his weird stuff to be funny, even when he did things that were threatening, damaging, and very hurtful to other people. For that simple reason, I can never see anything he writes as truly funny. Laughable yes, (as in stupid, dumb, ridiculous). But funny, hilarious in any sort of lighthearted way, no. This is simply because as soon as someone validates that he indeed, IS funny, can be funny, and his craziness is based on such funniness and thus is an acceptable thing, he becomes more powerful than ever. And that I simply cannot ever grant him.

He is a very sick individual. He tries to convince everyone that everything he writes and says is a joke, but it's not. It's very real, very dangerous, and has been very very damaging to people in the past.

Though I can see your point also, Conrad. For anyone who has not truly dabbled personally in the darkness that is Orion, on the surface he can "appear" to be just plain funny.
