Y. mentioned specifically Not-to mention 'some monthly amount you'd pay'. He said 'Know all that info' not 'Tell that info'.
But your point should be stressed, I agree: NEVER reveal your own limits!

(I also Mike meant by 'dealer invoice' above, not the silly piece of paper in window - but what CU or other provided as ~ actual dealer cost. That will be at least, close.)

Also not given enough attention above IMO - you can almost *always beat financing from a dealer via a Cr. Union or similar. (AFTER a firm cash price has been sealed, would be When you ask dealer - if you must; then you'd best have your biz-%calc handily there, or in mind, to detect the fudging and 'muffler adjustment' fees.)

These guys are almost 16% as bad as the Bushies, after all!

* Canna say.. where credit is besmirched; maybe sometimes the dealer Is the last resort (?)

My 3 \ufffd