(Friend replaced my old Saab with same - for planned regime of long trips.)

While that particular one had a misadjusted clutch engagement, which prejudiced my initial impressions -- I rode in it on freeways, drove it a bit in Whittier (LA) and concluded:

Amazingly comfortable ride for such a too-short wheelbase and also 'decent' quick-handling (I always focus on Handling). The taillight 'treatment' reminds of Laura's quip re those aluminum xmas trees.. truly appalling IMnsHO.

She has since made many trips LA <--> AZ, gets the claimed mileage; not a single problem (except I Have to keep nagging her to take out a few minutes: and FIX the %&$#$ clutch, before she becomes inured to crap-correction and sucks it up).

I could live with this car, ('cept it cost lots more than my Acura Plutocrat, and on the road: no comparison on lots of levels). Assembly quality (engine room) seems typ Toyota quality, far as I could see == no oil weeps after ~16K mi. More plastic things than I like to see in engine rooms, but.. wave of futchah.

Luck in the crap shoot,
