Black trenchcoat == Goth. Guy at my church wears one.
Man, I'd be worried about him if it were me.
Drawing skeletons == Artistic, little weird. My daughter and step daughter have drawn skeletons.
The skeletons didn't bug me as much as the skulls pierced by bullets.
Red shoe laces - Maybe.
For anyone who studied the Columbine Shooting (of which I am one of), it was a trademark of the shooters to wear combat boots with red laces.
Mays comments - hindsight. If Jeff "Fit the profile", why didn't he say anything. Never thought of it until afterwards (imo)
Maybe so. Maybe he saw it ahead of time and didn't want to say anything. We won't know until/unless he says more.
Suicidal - fits lots of teens, and adults. Remember this is kids saying, not professionals.
True, but any time I hear anyone I know or associate with or around me, is suicidal, I TELL someone. Case in point, I did it with our former suicidal member. Even if they had told people he was talking about suicide or being suicidal, he might have received some help that might have prevented this tragedy. Maybe, maybe not, hard to predict something like that.
Shoot up the school - Saying it once (last year and it was investigated, from previous articles, and deemed without threat)
I was not aware it had been investigated, but my question would be how and why was it deemed without threat? Just because he said so??? I think there should be something in between suspension and jail that would deal with these issues. We talked about this once before on here, there is simply nothing in place to handle this when it comes up that works.
If you read all the articles, you'll notice that he was a loner. No one could tell you about him. None of the adults knew him. The TOWN's population is only 1800. Reservation population around 5000. For noone to know him he kept himself out of trouble.
As soon as I feel more like searching I will hunt up a lot more on it, I promise. But scanning hundreds of links trying to pick out the best ones to read isn't something I can handle right now... (sadly enough, because I have too much to do to be sick, but I don't feel like doing much of anything. Sigh. )
He was different, therefore teased, picked on, and blamed for everything.
And so were the Columbine Shooters.
The news media has pointed out the similiarities. Until then, most people never even thought of it. Most assume, correctly, it won't happen here. You can't lock up, put into therapy, analyze everyone who is different, wears trenchcoats, draws "disturbing" pictures, etc.
That's why I said there should be something in the middle, some way to handle these kids and the threats to schools and other students.
Nightowl >8#