Follow Todd's link.

I'd be inclined to think you are welcome on the caravan. Of course, if you can't stand loud, obnoxious, talks a lot people, we will have to leave Drew at home and maybe Yendor (Mike) too.

We are all different shapes and sizes, so don't be alarmed at Mike (Yendor), he just sounds mean. Scott (admin), he has a hard time not laughing, Drew (Drewk), he just sleeps in the back and we jam the brakes on and go into the rumbles strips... to make him, well snap to...

Of course, when you get to New Jersey, there is a whole nuther world to deal with.

Since July 4th is on a Monday this year, and the Party will be on July 2nd, We will be able to leave leisurely on Sunday from New Joisy.

Of course, you may not want to spend 2+ days in a care with us.