...jerks you off.

OK, BeeP, exactly what did Condi "achieve" while "working" for Duh? So far, you list of "achievements" have been strictly academic, apparently occuring long before she could spell, "Can I kiss your ass, Mr. President?".

Yet in your post, you bemoan:
As I said, she's had the misfortune of acheiving this under GWBush...
(And remember, you also said it earlier; no weaseling about, "No, I didn't actually say that...."

So, tell me, BeeP, where's the achievement since Duh? Is that here name is a household word? Or that she has brown-nosed her way the 5th in line for the thronePresidency? Or that she ran a more qualified man (i.e. Colin Powell) out of office? Or is Todd actually right here?