How to explain this...

First of all, I have Panic Anxiety, which tends to exaggerate fears even though I work hard at preventing it.

also, the imagery is what does it. I see the image of the plane hitting the building, and I saw it all day and for weeks. I then have this image stuck in my head, along with maybe whatever others, such as the building collapsing.

So then the plane becomes the fear, so every time I hear a plane, I jump, and then when I go to bed I "see a plane" crashing into my house.

It took a long time, but I got past it. This is a reason I don't see movies with vivid imagery or unexpected scenes that make you jump, (for example, horror movies or thriller ones), and why I watch CSI in the daytime with John describing in a play by play the parts I absolutely can not watch.

Hope that helps explain it.
