Did I mention? (new thread)
Created as new thread #169013 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=169013|Did I mention?]
IWETHEY's Terrible Horde of Epenthetic Yammerers.
Main Entry: epen\ufffdthe\ufffdsis
Pronunciation: i-'pen(t)-th&-s&s, e-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural epen\ufffdthe\ufffdses
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek, from
epentithenai to insert a letter, from epi- +
entithenai to put in, from en- + tithenai
to put -- more at DO
Date: 1543
: the insertion or development of a sound
or letter in the body of a word (as &\\ in
\\'a-th&-"lEt\\ athlete)
- ep\ufffden\ufffdthet\ufffdic /"e-p&n-'the-tik/