According to all reports, previous settlement attempts (under the previous administration's watch) where BillG(e) attempted to get an agreement as toothless and spineless as this were summarily rejected out of hand by the DoJ. Now they're accepted with full Doublespeak justification.

Yes, something changed all right....

Read them again.

Because that's bullshit.

The DoJ tried to settle this *at every turn*.

The *STATE AG's* are the ones who rejected all of that out of hand. As they are this. (Which is why I think its a ploy, cause the DoJ has tried to settle this many, many times.

They tried to settle this before the trial, during the trial, when Jackson TOLD them to try and come to an agreement.

"All reports"? Bullshit.

Go back and reread them. The State AG's have been the driving force - not the DoJ - under the previous administraton OR this one.
