Yep, it was a gas, Ashton!
See, I'd given them all these Doctor Socks, shown in one of the photos. They are little sock doctors that we "invented" on a bored day, with funny names like Patrick Sockton, Jon Pertfeet, Peter Davisock and Colin Shoemaker.
We had written up silly cartoons about them also, and included those in the notebook you see me holding, that I gave Peter after the presentation.
Anyway, the doctors were so funny. During the panel afterwards, Colin kept arranging and straightening the Colin Shoemaker Sock's yarn hair, and Peter kept watching him and would suddenly reach over and mess it all up! Then Colin would grab his sock away and start all over neatly arranging the yarn hair!
Then Peter would smile at his sock, Peter Davisock, and then turn it around so it could "smile" at the audience, and then smile over it. We were cracking up. They were barely paying attention to the panel.
Meanwhile, Troughton was playing with his sock, Pat Sockton, and he would wait till Jon Pertwee was answering a question and sneakily whop him on the back with Jon Pertsock. (We made them to bop each other with, originally, as a stress reliever). Jon would stop in the middle of his speech, whop Patrick with his own sock, Jon Pertfeet, and continue on like he'd never been interrupted.
Later in England, I heard that they used their socks to "act" out a little play, and they got written up in the Dr. Who magazine about it. :)
Too funny!
Nightowl >8#
"At last, a moment's peace!"