My sister worked for the Walnut Streer Theatre in Philly. I was an unemployed bum. But I had a car. I was hanging out, when the producer of a play called in to ask if anyone wanted to drive Richard around for 2 weeks. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME.

I also hung out with them during readings and rehearsals.

One time I drove William Hurt to the drug store. He popped the tape out of my player, was Led Zeppelin. He said:
"Wow, I've been listening to this before you were ...."
"In grade school".

He almost said born and did not like it, so he caught himself.

He was wearning the sport coat that he wore in "The Big Chill". I recognized it.

I spent a couple of weeks volunteering to usher as well. I was there, I might as well be useful. Yeah right. There was a continuous stream of teeny-bopper volunteer ushers, Different group every night. So I'd pick one out, make friends, and then introduce her to Richard. As good as getting her drunk!