1) Dr. Vint Cerf. Worked with him while he was putting together MCIMail.

2) Keith Emerson. (A dream of mine!) Held a seminar and interview for a local music store's annual gear show. Man, can that guy play!

3) Corky Siegel. Local (Chicago-area) blues-master-cum-jazz-master. Did a blues/orchestra collaboration with Seiji Ozawa and the San Fran symphony

4) Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). My mom was his appointments secretary when he was Rep. Bill Nelson. I have the honor of receiving a personal apology from him when his then 10-yr old son thought it would be cute to start kicking the shins of people in his office at the time.

5 & 6 & 7-12) Bob Weir, John Kay (of Steppenwolf), and the members of the band War: Did interviews with these guys at various times during my other "carreer" as a DJ/Music Director at KRST. (The War interview was a complete gas; these guys were nuts!)

[edit: added 5 - 12, on further reflection]