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New Let's start a new thread
saying which famous people IWETHEYers have met (and can prove they met somehow if possible). Might be interesting reading.

I'll start off with:

1. Tim McCarthy (Secret Service agent for President Reagan) - college buddy worked for him for several years.
2. Chi Chi Rodriguez - have autographed pictures of him with my kids

"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Re: Let's start a new thread
Kurt Cobain (Tossed him out of my college dorm freshmen year)

Man, that's a sad list. I guess I don't live in pursuit of fame.
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
New The Colonel
I meet Colonel Harland Sanders when I was in junior high. We were picking up grandma at O'Hare Airport and saw him getting a manicure. He was very nice and gave us(my brother, sister & I) autographed photos. Sadly, mine & my brother's were destroyed when the sump pump broken during spring thraw. My sister's room was upstairs, I'll have to see if she still has her photo.

Little did I know at the time that I'd be working at KFC a few years later.
Darrell Spice, Jr.                      [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Artistic%20Overpass|Artistic Overpass]\n[link|http://www.spiceware.org/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
New Heh, I was thinking that!
Therefore it must be a great idea! :-)

Having said that, I can't contribute any roolly-trooly famous people to the list.

Patricia Quinn - played Magenta in the Rocky Horror Picture Show, amongst other things. Awfully nice person with a plenty of insteresting stories.

Barrie Unsworth - a former state Premier of NSW. Yup. Said I haven't exactly been brushing with fame a lot.

Various people out of Dr Who - who are only famous depending on one's viewpoint, I guess.

Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Richard Dreyfuss and William Hurt
My sister worked for the Walnut Streer Theatre in Philly. I was an unemployed bum. But I had a car. I was hanging out, when the producer of a play called in to ask if anyone wanted to drive Richard around for 2 weeks. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME.

I also hung out with them during readings and rehearsals.

One time I drove William Hurt to the drug store. He popped the tape out of my player, was Led Zeppelin. He said:
"Wow, I've been listening to this before you were ...."
"In grade school".

He almost said born and did not like it, so he caught himself.

He was wearning the sport coat that he wore in "The Big Chill". I recognized it.

I spent a couple of weeks volunteering to usher as well. I was there, I might as well be useful. Yeah right. There was a continuous stream of teeny-bopper volunteer ushers, Different group every night. So I'd pick one out, make friends, and then introduce her to Richard. As good as getting her drunk!
New Darcy Wretzky, Douglas Adams
Wretzky was the bassist for the Smashing Pumpkins. I went to High School with her and her sister, Molly. :-)

Douglas Adams, at a reading he did at U of Michigan.

And the guy whose college roommate wrote Animal House, a story loosely based on their college years. He was my boss in DC. :-)

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New My list.
Joey (sp?) Heatherton - when I was a wee lad.
Hubert Humphrey (have photo of Hubert and me in Leninggrad in 1969).
Jerry Brown (couple times - 1978 and 1992)
Tom Hayden
Leonard Nimoy
Jimmy and Rosalyn
Linda & Eagles (fundraiser for Jerry Brown)
Gene Tunney
Joe Namath
David "Deacon" Jones
Abby Hoffman
Arnold Palmer
Jack Nicklaus
Elliot Gould
Barbara Boxer

I'm probably forgetting a few, but the hour is late...

If you can read this, you are not the President.
New curious where did you meet Abby at?
Governor Hickel State of Alaska worked for him.
Various members of the Manson family
Robert Urich
Senator Ted Stevens and congreeman Don Young
Govenor Tony Knowles
Half of the congress {bumming around the congressional offices)class of 2000
the anchorage and Bethel airport is popular with moneyed folks so met lots of celebs waiting for planes
many members of the SDS
the anti christ (self proclaimed of course)
many other interesting folks

Anchorage AK: House for sale 3 bed 1 bath 1440 sq feet huge lot near Cheney Lake 175K FSBO 813.273.3518
I wondered what Darwinian moment had to effect itself before we devolved from children flying paper flags in the sky to half formed creatures thundering in a wall of horns down the road to Roncevaux. James Lee Burke
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Define met. Define famous.
I'll take "met" to mean, "within eye-contact distance, and with circumstances that would have permitted pleasantries to be exchanged if both of us had been so inclined" in the list below. Yeah, I know, it's being generous.

I stood about 5 feet from Jesse Jackson and my wife shook hands with him (on an earlier occasion when he was running for President). She once stood next to Alan Simpson at the airport baggage carousel. After a show in Austin, she saw Bob Weir walk by (and later commented on his flabby legs). Strom Thurmond patted my wife's head when she was a little girl while riding on a train under the Capitol. She also has autographed pictures from Rod Laver, Martina Navratilova, and several members of the Boston Lobsters (the World Team Tennis team).

I saw Ollie North get off a plane at Dulles Airport. I saw Mitch McConnell walking to his gate at National Airport (he's shorter than he looks on TV, and he dresses impeccably).

I saw Rod Stewart walk by with a babe on each arm at LAX.

Barney Frank sat about a row across the aisle in front of me on a plane to Boston, and spent 5 minutes standing and talking to people in the row behind me.

I saw Walter Mondale in a parade in Chicago. (Yeah, that's a real stretch.) He's very tall.

And finally, I asked Frank Zappa a question on a radio call-in program.

[edit: typo. Too many tonight. See ya'll tomorrow.]

(Who thinks that nobody can top [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=111391|Ashton] in this contest.)
Expand Edited by Another Scott June 21, 2004, 11:05:15 PM EDT
New Nah, you gotta have at least exchanged "Hello"s. ;0)

If you can read this, you are not the President.
New Seconded
Just seeing somebody walking near your perimeter don't count. It's gotta be a real meeting like mmoffitt said.

But the posts so far show an amazing variety of people whom we consider famous being met by IWETHEYers. And civilization hasn't come crashing down (yet) ;-)

"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New OT:No-one ICLRPD'd "She transcended the boobocracy"? Amazing
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Re: Define met. Define famous.
Then GT football coach and former Colt all-pro linebacker Bill Curry, in line at the Ga. Tech bookstore. Gloria Estefan, as a taxi driver. Bebe Emmerman, a well-known TV reporter in Atlanta who specialized in consumer issues. What an airhead. That's it I guess.

I was on TV twice.

I almost met Dirac, but missed it. Dang.

(edit: Of course I saw some famous science types like Gell-Mann and Feigenbaum, my adviser personally knew Feynman, etc.)

(edit: I drank with the Babe Ruth of rodeo, Larry Mahan. He could really throw them back.)

(edit: Brian Behlendorf, who mistook me for the A/V man.)

(edit: Bob Costas, who was pissing and moaning because our flight from LA to StL was delayed by God, who had the gall to make it snow in MO.)

(edit: Hungarian pianist Tamas Vasary, while we were both out walking before his concert. We talked about the piece he was playing - Chopin's Etudes Op. 25 - at some length.)
Expand Edited by deSitter June 21, 2004, 10:30:25 PM EDT
Expand Edited by deSitter June 21, 2004, 10:32:15 PM EDT
Expand Edited by deSitter June 22, 2004, 09:27:50 AM EDT
New Jim Martin, Governor of NC (1985-1993).
Met [link|http://www.itpi.dpi.state.nc.us/governors/MartinJG.html|Jim Martin] at a party rally, shook hands and had a few brief words. He was still the US Congressman for my district at the time and running for governor. Got a few Christmas cards from him. That was in the days before the religious right took over the Republican party.

[link|http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/news/2000/01/18/phills_folo_ap/|David Wesley] of, at the time, the NBA's Charlotte Hornets. I met him just before the Hornets left for New Orleans. He lived up the street just a few doors away in a new neighborhood (with houses 2-3 times as expensive as mine). I'm on a corner lot and he would cut the corner in [link|http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/news/2000/01/15/wesley_ap/|his Porsche]. I was walking the dog (that Boxley wants to steal :)) and Wesley's kids and wife got excited about it. So, I went into their yard so they could meet and pet the dog. Cute kids and outstanding looking wife! David came out and said hello.

Stretching mightily the definition of meeting, I was close enough to touch Princess [link|http://www.who2.com/princessgrace.html|Grace Kelly] and [link|http://www.who2.com/rainieriii.html|Prince Rainier] of Monaco. It was at the Boys' Club of New York where I, (still in high school,) had a part time job in the evenings. They had been married a year or two at the time. I remember thinking how short they both were. At another time, in this same location I got to see, again close enough to touch, [link|http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/en/wikipedia/b/bu/buster_crabbe.html|Buster Crabbe] who played Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers in the movie serials as well as Tarzan in full length movies. Having been an Olympic Gold winner for 400m freestyle swimming in 1932, he was a guest of honor at a swim meet.

Another long stretch is [link|http://www.liberace.com/bio.cfm|Liberace] at [link|http://www.durgin-park.com/|Durgin Park] restaurant in Boston. He and his entourage were at the adjoining table. My wife was impressed.

Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost. -- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German philosopher
New Sheesh! How'd I forget.
I met Senator Sam Ervin at his office in Morganton. I don't rememeber how, but my dad knew him from a ways back (at the time - that was almost 30 years ago).

If you can read this, you are not the President.
New Hmmmm

- Ralph Nader. He was giving a talk at the Univ. of Mich. and my mother was one of the hosts and she introduced us. (I was about thirteen, I think.)

- Martin Short. He was doing a production of "The Goodbye Girl" (the musical) in Chicago. After the show, my wife and I ducked in across the street for a drink and dinner and he was having an after-show cocktail. (Okay, could have been club soda.) I complimented him on his work.

- Dave Coulier (the blonde guy from "Full House" and "America's Funniest Home Videos". He was headlining at a comedy club in Ann Arbor, MI and I was his opening act.

Tom Sinclair

"While I'm still confused and uncertain, it's on a much higher plane, d'you
see, and at least I know I'm bewildered about the really fundamental and
important facts of the universe."
Treatle nodded. "I hadn't looked at it like that," he said, "But you're
absolutely right. He's really pushed back the boundaries of ignorance."
-- Discworld scientists at work
(Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites)
New Re: Let's start a new thread
Ronnie James Dio - at a record store autograph signing for his first solo album.

Kerry King - Guitar player for Slayer. Hung out with him and some friends watching the video for Run DMC's cover of "Walk This Way" back in the mid 80s.

May have walked past Martina Hingis in a French hotel and not known it till later :(

A Space Shuttle astronaut (circa 1992) that I've since forgotten the name of.

Olivier Beretta - Race car driver. Had dinner with him and others on the team before 1997 (or was it 1998) Le Mans.
Chris Altmann
New Re: Let's start a new thread
Bill Clinton - Shook hands with him and had a 3-minute conversation with the rest of the saxophone section of the University of Texas Longhorn Band while he was giving a speech at the Frank Erwin Center in 1995/1996.

Frank Gifford - I used to work for a DJ in high school. He was the recipient of a roast that we were working.

Britney Spears - I made an appearance on the Mickey Mouse Club Show in '92. It was there that I learned what an interabang is (note: it's not a hair style.)

William Shatner - [link|http://www.spplatattack.com/game.php|SPPLAT Attack 2002]. [link|http://celebritypaintball.com/|And again this year].

George W. Bush - He was running around the track at the [link|http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/pages/superstadium.html|Darrell K Royal - Texas Memorial Stadium] one evening while the LHB was practicing. One of the saxes stopped him to chat. I was in the area.

Douglas Adams - He gave a speech at UT in '94 on the Information Superhighway. I won a copy of one of his books (that I'd already read, of course.)

Richard Garriott - Lord British of Ultima fame. He gave a speech at one of the [link|http://utacm.org/|UT ACM] meetings. I won a copy of Ultima VIII and handed it to me. I've still never played it.

I think that's it...

New Re: Let's start a new thread
I won a copy of Ultima VIII and handed it to me. I've still never played it.

Don't. You'll have more fun by keeping it on your shelf than by playing it. :P
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
New Re: Let's start a new thread

While working on the Dr. Who Fan Club, (Celestial Intervention Agency) in St. Louis I met the following people from Dr. Who:

At the first Tardiscon Convention we held in St. Louis:
Nicholas Courtney - the Brigadier (played piano with him sitting by me on the bench)
Ian Marter - played Harry Sullivan on the show
John Leeson - The voice of K-9
Louise Jameson - Leela on the show

At the second Tardiscon we held in St. Louis:
Janet Fielding - played Tegan, I accompanied her on piano as she sang during the Cabaret we put on.
Frazer Hines - Played Jamie McCrimmon on the show

At Chicago's Tardis 21 Spirit of Light Convention I met:
Peter Davison -- Doctor #5, (Also played Tristan in All Creatures Great and Small), Met him first at Tardis 21 in Chicago, then in St. Louis later.
Patrick Troughton - Doctor #2 at the Tardis 21 Convention in chicago
Jon Pertwee - doctor #3 at the Tardis 21 Convention in Chicago
Colin Baker - Doctor #6 at the Tardis 21 Convention in Chicago
Nicola Bryant - played Perpugilliam Brown (Peri).

At Our third St. Louis Con, Hitchiking To Gallifrey:
Peter Davison (again), his wife Sandra Dickinson(who played Trillian in Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy), and their newborn son who attended our convention in St. Louis with them.
The guy who played Zaphod Beeblebrox in Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy (sorry, can't seem to recall his name).

Ironically, I never met Tom Baker, who was the most popular Doctor with most viewers.

And for Non-Dr. Who people:
Brett Hull in St. Louis once when he was still a Blues player.

Someday I want to meet Mario Lemieux.

Nightowl >8#

Edit: added Tardis 21 heading.

Edit: Oh, and I have lots of pictures, but no where to host them except my Yahoo group. I still haven't worked out my website yet, no time to learn html lately.

"At last, a moment's peace!"
Expand Edited by Nightowl June 22, 2004, 12:23:29 PM EDT
Expand Edited by Nightowl June 22, 2004, 12:29:01 PM EDT
New Impressive Dr. Who__Whoo__er, Whoot--Owl ;-)
[link|http://peterdavison.s5.com/| Peter Davison] is also lauded for his Mystery performance as Campion (with the slyly nefarious sidekick ___? Glover) and much else. He seems a consummate actor, sans the Ego, if one can imagine that.

Dr. Who was indeed a Whoot.. save for that one execrable, Hollywood-tarted-up {{ugh}} movie, several years back. Gawd what a Dawg.

No Who expert; but if I were ever to join a Fan Club (with prospects of meeting such as your list) - prolly it would be Whoovians. Anything to evade the 100% Slickness of the formula flic. Who seems kinda the film noir or maybe orange, of the Low-budgets.

For a long time [but NOT in past couple years - $$ I expect] KTEH in S. Jose (about 100 mi as the owl flies) regularly went through as near all the Whos as they could beg, rent.. I send them $ as regularly.

(Much of their stuff was not std. PBS-fare; that co$ts extra. They still keep trying, even faced with the tight-assed/fisted freeloaders in Silly Valley. Enough Techs are stingy/unconscious.. for this generalization to have stuck: from 'tips' to paying for stuff which many like to imagine is 'Free')

Have no idea how the Who flies, around the country - or even if any new ones shall ever happen. Just.. let Not the next Doctor be - one of those square-jawed Hollywood Pretty Boys named Kevin or something. Please!

Carry On --->
New New Dr Who episodes in production (new thread)
Created as new thread #161091 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=161091|New Dr Who episodes in production]
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Re: Impressive Dr. Who__Whoo__er, Whoot--Owl ;-)
[link|http://peterdavison.s5.com/| Peter Davison] is also lauded for his Mystery performance as Campion (with the slyly nefarious sidekick ___? Glover) and much else. He seems a consummate actor, sans the Ego, if one can imagine that.

Yeah, I agree. Peter Davison is my favorite Who actor, and what was really cool was when he came to St. Louis, he remembered me! And he not only remembered me, but when he was making his hello speech to the crowd, he said, "Hello St. Louis, Hello C.I.A, and Hello there Brenda!", and waved at me. I almost died... I was standing in the back of the room, and almost the entire audience turned around to see who he meant...

Dr. Who was indeed a Whoot.. save for that one execrable, Hollywood-tarted-up {{ugh}} movie, several years back. Gawd what a Dawg.

Not sure what movie you mean, I didn't see any Hollywood version.

For a long time [but NOT in past couple years - $$ I expect] KTEH in S. Jose (about 100 mi as the owl flies) regularly went through as near all the Whos as they could beg, rent.. I send them $ as regularly.

Yep, they used to show here too, but then channel 9 dropped it. I think they might be on the Sci Fi channel though, although I don't have it and wouldn't know.

Have no idea how the Who flies, around the country - or even if any new ones shall ever happen. Just.. let Not the next Doctor be - one of those square-jawed Hollywood Pretty Boys named Kevin or something. Please!

No kidding, the Doctor should always be dignified and proper, not some playboy from California!

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New I'm not worthy!
That's way impressive, Owl! :)

Who-related people I've met:

Verity Lambert - first producer of the show.
Kevin Manser - A dalek
Dudley Simpson - incidental music composer
Katy Manning - Jo Grant
Nicholas Courtney - The Brigadier
Mark Strickson - Turlough
Julie Brennan - 'Fire Escape' in Paradise Towers

I think that's about it...
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Re: I'm not worthy!
Nah, you're fine. :)

Nicholas Courtney was something else... when I first met him, I was worn out, I had been up two whole days or more, and was supposed to play the piano for the after-con party for the C.I.A Club. So, I was playing the piano and decided to get up and get a drink. I returned to the piano and there was someone on my bench, and I said, "Excuse me, that's my piano bench." the president of the club gasped and said, "Brenda...!" but Nicholas Courtney, whom was sitting on my bench, quickly intervened, (I hadn't realized it was him), "No No, he said, she's quite right, it IS her bench." And he smiled up at me and said, "Is there room to share it?" and that's how I wound up stammering and trying to apologize, and then being gently pulled down next to him. We both played together that evening, him sometimes adding a few notes on the upper keys.

It was wild.... and I told him about wishing I could meet Peter Davison, and how I was going to Spirt of Light in Chicago (someone had gotten me tickets for my birthday)... He said he would take care of it, and I never thought about it again...until the con.

Then I was standing in line, and people were asking questions, but no one was asking for an autograph... to do that, you had to stand in this long long line to get one, and it was a poster they had all signed, not a personal one.

Well my turn came, and I said to Peter, that I had admired him ever since All Creatures Great And Small, and that I know I wasn't supposed to ask, but I would give anything for him to autograph my copy of James Herriot's book of the same name. Peter told me to come on up, and I was shaking, and the whole audience was screaming and applauding... I was shaking so bad I didn't think I could do this, but I got up there and he took my pen and my book, and asked my name. I told him my name, and he said, "Ah! So you're the one the Brigadier told me about!" and he winked at me. Man, I thought I would die. It was one of those unforgettable moments.

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Heh..
'Twould be easy to crack-wise re "idol worship" yada yada

As a tad, having the Divine Audrey (Hepburn) all-to-myself for x-minutes as seemed. a. fortnight. -- she, just-momentarily all unDiscovered.. actually for only a matter of days, hence:

I Know whatcha Mean. Pity she was the "Older Woman" for this callow tad, or my unrequited infatuation might have been terminal. cf Roman Holiday :-\ufffd

(Perhaps Davison, as was Audrey - proves to be one of those unegotistical, natural, utterly-Human simply Fascinating people.. that which every flack claims for every 'client' no-matter-what.) Dunno, but I Like him.
That cancels need for any further analysis.

New I agree
(Perhaps Davison, as was Audrey - proves to be one of those unegotistical, natural, utterly-Human simply Fascinating people.. that which every flack claims for every 'client' no-matter-what.) Dunno, but I Like him.

He seemed very normal and down to earth, not egotistical at all. And he seemed to genuinely care about people. When there was this huge line outside the expensive Cabaret show held at Tardis 21, us lesser fortunate people, including me were sitting off to the side at some little tables watching the line ooh and ahh as the different stars came up the ramp.

Davison spotted us, detoured off the ramp, and away from the line, and SAT with us, chatting and conversing and letting us have our picture taken with him. The people in the line were insanely jealous, you could tell, but they weren't going to risk losing their spot in line. Hehe!

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New I think every 'star' that has gone along to a convention
has generally come away saying how enjoyable it was.

I remember one convention I went to in my misspent teenage years, where I bought this cardboard cut-out Dalek. So Katy Manning sees it, and writes 'Oh no, not another nude pose!' on the back :)

(Background: After leaving Dr Who, Katy Manning posed nude with a Dalek for a magazine)
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Hahaha! I remember that about Katy Manning!
When we had our first con in St. Louis, we discovered a misprint in the program the NIGHT before it opened.

Apparently, someone had printed the movie "Jelly" instead of the movie "Joey" in the program, as a movie that Louise Jamieson was playing in.

Problem was... Jelly was a prominent PORNO movie running in England at the time.

We stayed up ALL night with 50 bottles of whiteout, and lots of volunteers, correcting this problem. ;)

Ah, such fond Convention memories. ;)

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New In order to keep my er history thesis correct
I'd need to see a copy of that poster.
New Go-Go Gadget Google Fu

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New ^^ NSFW

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Damn. the obvious..
(Guess I imagined that the Whoovians would keep such in secret places - of course there Are no secret places now.) ie D'Oh


Doctor's demure dolly dilly-dallies with Daleks, demonstrating decidedly delicious decorative depth.
New Hmm...
Is [link|http://www.mindspring.com/~mjmenichetti/Doctor_Who/sladen.htm|this] the origin of the Latinate pun "K-9" for "dog", or where they just using something that was already current at the time?

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New I thought it was.. just.. obvious?___(the origin)
New What, obvious that this was - or that something else was?
Obviously, it wasn't (and still isn't) obvious to me, so at least in that sense, you obviously thought wrong.

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New I'm sorry, Sir - but the title Obviousman is in use and \ufffd
All I Meant Was

canine == kay'nine == "K-9"
(whether in magnetic-ink characters or amidst real Characters)

..quite more Obviousman material than say, HAL-9000 -
to all but the terminally overanalytical with [n\ufffd1] iterative compulsions + tics
(maybe even ticks.. if rurally based)
(or 'ticks' if they fly a lot or - -)

New Found a way to link to the pictures!
Nicholas Courtney - the Brigadier (played piano with him sitting by me on the bench)



Janet Fielding - played Tegan, I accompanied her on piano as she sang during the Cabaret we put on.


And we got her to do a sexy pose for us!


At Chicago's Tardis 21 Spirit of Light Convention I met Peter Davison -- Doctor #5, (Also played Tristan in All Creatures Great and Small), Met him first at Tardis 21 in Chicago



And here is the one of all the doctors and me, presenting Dr. Sock to them at Tardis 21:

First, this is Dr. Sock:


And now these are the doctors:


Patrick Troughton - Doctor #2 at the Tardis 21 Convention in chicago

Jon Pertwee - doctor #3 at the Tardis 21 Convention in Chicago

Peter Davison, also is in this group.

Colin Baker - Doctor #6 at the Tardis 21 Convention in Chicago


Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
Expand Edited by Nightowl June 27, 2004, 08:22:38 PM EDT
Expand Edited by Nightowl June 27, 2004, 08:23:29 PM EDT
New Schweet - thanks for posting those!
I have a photo of me with Katy Manning somewhere, but if you think I'm posting a picture of my spotty teenage mid-80's self... uh-uh! :)
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New You're welcome :)
I'm surprised no one's asked about the yellow trench coat Davison costume though. ;)

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Nice. You Vas Dere, Charlie!
and seeing All Those Doctors in one place -- just had to be a Gas.

(And with 'parallel universes' now outted, to appear within the doggerel even of some modrin pseudo-physics material.. we'd all best reconsider that which we Wish For; the Tardis may be just above the hippocampus and near the Pineal gland ;-)

New Yep, it was a gas, Ashton!
See, I'd given them all these Doctor Socks, shown in one of the photos. They are little sock doctors that we "invented" on a bored day, with funny names like Patrick Sockton, Jon Pertfeet, Peter Davisock and Colin Shoemaker.

We had written up silly cartoons about them also, and included those in the notebook you see me holding, that I gave Peter after the presentation.

Anyway, the doctors were so funny. During the panel afterwards, Colin kept arranging and straightening the Colin Shoemaker Sock's yarn hair, and Peter kept watching him and would suddenly reach over and mess it all up! Then Colin would grab his sock away and start all over neatly arranging the yarn hair!

Then Peter would smile at his sock, Peter Davisock, and then turn it around so it could "smile" at the audience, and then smile over it. We were cracking up. They were barely paying attention to the panel.

Meanwhile, Troughton was playing with his sock, Pat Sockton, and he would wait till Jon Pertwee was answering a question and sneakily whop him on the back with Jon Pertsock. (We made them to bop each other with, originally, as a stress reliever). Jon would stop in the middle of his speech, whop Patrick with his own sock, Jon Pertfeet, and continue on like he'd never been interrupted.

Later in England, I heard that they used their socks to "act" out a little play, and they got written up in the Dr. Who magazine about it. :)

Too funny!

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New It's all about endorphins
(re another post on the Meaning of Liff + Skydiving)

Those who manage to make their own [as above] are in little danger of becoming Repos or torturing puppies, on their way to broadening the mix.

Sufferin Succotash: sockin sockpuppets pummeling 'Physicians' !!
[ya gets to realize *Two TWO fantasies with One action!]

* that is, if you've ever experienced a terminally Full-of-Self medico, alloting you the Company 3.1 minutes at your local HMO/Rent-A-MD Oil Refinery ... after waiting two hours past ... scheduled time ... for this Royal Audience.

er {cackle}
New Re: Let's start a new thread

1) Dr. Vint Cerf. Worked with him while he was putting together MCIMail.

2) Keith Emerson. (A dream of mine!) Held a seminar and interview for a local music store's annual gear show. Man, can that guy play!

3) Corky Siegel. Local (Chicago-area) blues-master-cum-jazz-master. Did a blues/orchestra collaboration with Seiji Ozawa and the San Fran symphony

4) Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). My mom was his appointments secretary when he was Rep. Bill Nelson. I have the honor of receiving a personal apology from him when his then 10-yr old son thought it would be cute to start kicking the shins of people in his office at the time.

5 & 6 & 7-12) Bob Weir, John Kay (of Steppenwolf), and the members of the band War: Did interviews with these guys at various times during my other "carreer" as a DJ/Music Director at KRST. (The War interview was a complete gas; these guys were nuts!)

[edit: added 5 - 12, on further reflection]
shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT

Expand Edited by jb4 June 22, 2004, 01:18:07 PM EDT
New I hadn't realized I'd met such a variety
Lots of semi-famous musicians/groups (I was a roady for a few years) like the members of Hydra, Blue Oyster Cult, Triumph etc. A couple famous ones- Ted Nugent and Todd Rundgren at different times.

Tex Cobb for a night of drunkeness on his tab (He had just won a tax case in Tennesee) Tex was the motorcycle bounty hunter guy in Raising Arizona.

Carrot Top. He just happened to be staying at the same hotel as I and I bought him a drink in the hotel bar. He reciprocated.

Many sports types. I lived a block from William Perry during the Bears Super Bowl year. I worked as Host at a restaraunt that was popular with a few of the Bears and Bulls. Met Walter Payton when he came to ride horses at my girlfriend's house.

Jim Edgar - former Governor of Illinois, had lunch just recently in my fav spot.

Cardinal Joseph Bernadin - I worked at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary (where his retreat was) Center for Development in Ministry. Mixed many a drink (he liked Manhattans) for him and other priests during social gatherings after conferences.

I know I'm forgetting some.
It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why?
Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand.
Mike Royko
New forgot about sports types
McSorley, he used to kick the crap out of my little brother in high school because I had terrorized him (dont even remember him). Bobby Orr when he played Juniors. Since 14 of the current crop of WWE rasslers live in Clearwater you are always bumping into them. Hulkster shops at the same grocery store I do. He likes to cruise in and out at off hours because he always gathers a crowd. He has had kind words for my boys. Nice guy.
Anchorage AK: House for sale 3 bed 1 bath 1440 sq feet huge lot near Cheney Lake 175K FSBO 813.273.3518
I wondered what Darwinian moment had to effect itself before we devolved from children flying paper flags in the sky to half formed creatures thundering in a wall of horns down the road to Roncevaux. James Lee Burke
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Meet & Greets
"Weird Al" Yankovic. Met him at an autograph session promoting his "Running With Scissors" album. I brought his box set with me to sign which he commented on. Only autograph I've ever seeked and have. Even shook his hand.

People who I could have met but the Canadian in me wanted to leave them alone:

- Doug Gilmour (several times)
- Wendel Clark, Dave Ellet, Dave Osbourne, Mats Sundin, Kenny Johnsson (Leafs)
- Cito Gaston (Blue Jays head coach back in the glory years)
- Paul Beeston (former head honcho of the Blue Jays)
- Robert Englund (out walking down Spadina by himself, very cool!)
- Jason Priestly (supermarket, looked like shit but had two chicks with him)
- Ken Finkleman (of CBC's The Newsroom) (another supermarket)
- Edge (WWE wrestler)
- Moe Berg (several times, of TPOH and Monteforte fame)
New Two more CanCon entries
Of the didn't want to bother variety.

Atom Egoyan
Sean Cullen (just yesterday)
New Re: Meet & Greets
My "wanted to meet but the Canadian in me said no" person was David Cronenberg. Saw him down on Prince Arthur in Mtl one evening, and resisted to temptation to harass him for making so many great flicks.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Hey.. it's a *Rorschak!*
Hmmm an exercise in Who's Significant, Who's tepid and Who's insignificant

WTF, what do I remember as 'Significant'? Obv they don't appear 'in order'; the search function is not the Function.

[As baby] - carried a far piece in a Cadillac V-12, prev. owned by Max Baer [!] think boxing. [hearsay]

The Divine Audrey - minutes, stagedoor. Alone.

JFK - about 12' away, passing by in a convertible, slow - enroute to Lab honchos. Acknowledged my 'hands clasped overhead' with a nod, smile.

Andres Segovia - post-concert

Lotte Lehmann - ditto [she "sang"]

Rafael M\ufffdndez - trompetero extraordinaire

Maynard Ferguson + Stan Kenton O. - brief acknowledgment, post concert. [kid]

Sergei Nakariakov - already described.

Ilana Vered - sublime Israeli pianist, able to toss off Etinc\ufffdlles; Moszkowski etudes and Chopin.. just before she retired to do babies. SO and I presented her with a magical liquid-crystal clock which perpetually changed colours..

Zappa, Ian Underwood et al - practicing and other.

John Surtees - legendary GP motorcycle racer; from grassy mound about >|< that far away .. at >120 and accelerating downhill. Isle of Man GP. No handshake possible, but..

Sir John Cockroft - teeny autograph after a lecture.
Surprised anyone asked.. :-0
(add '& Walton', for ref.)

Feynman, Millikan [doddering], Pauling, Segr\ufffd, Lawrence, Ghiorso, Chamberlain et al - gaggles of physics types. Up-close all & personal some. All put pants on one-leg at a time. Most a sense of humour.

Edw. Teller - never close enough to issue Italian salute.

Cap Weinberger - [lie] [would have been] close enough to diss personally - at a party overseas; he was disinvited via protests re his spook entourage + Himself :(

Congressman Ron Dellums - attended his 1st victory party with others who had worked for his election. Retired now, he ascended to Armed Services Comm. - never disgraced self, his stated philosophy.. or constituents. A Rare American Pol.

The obligatory Princess Grace and (that guy) - seen from afar at Monaco auto GP race :-\ufffd

A [name forgotten] 5? 6 yo Brit girl who, when asked, "What color is a mirror?" replied instantly, "Oh silly, it's the color of water!"

A cat [curled up in a closed-store window at night, in Germany] next to a book, Hitler, eine Studie \ufffdber Tyrannei.

Hah.. we Are our collected-impressions, hardly remotely 'mathematically integrated'.

'Course too . . .
Now iff'n -instead- ya growed up amidst local tough mawfaws a beatin on yo haid.. it can warp youse for life. Might remember only the shit.. :(
New when reading others, remember more princess Anne
reviewing the troops spoke briefy to a young matlot holding the flag.
Anchorage AK: House for sale 3 bed 1 bath 1440 sq feet huge lot near Cheney Lake 175K FSBO 813.273.3518
I wondered what Darwinian moment had to effect itself before we devolved from children flying paper flags in the sky to half formed creatures thundering in a wall of horns down the road to Roncevaux. James Lee Burke
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Well let's see.

Jack Nicklaus - father drew him in a Pro-Am. Walked the 18 and got to chat with him for about 1/2 hour afterwards

Bruce Lietzke - friend of the pro at my home course in WV. Met him and talked during the event he came to 3 years running.

Nick Price - Nicest man you'll ever want to meet. Another pro-am draw.

Dean Beeman - former PGA Commish - senior pga player. Turned golf into the money machine it is today.

Arnold Palmer - Senior tour event. Talked to him for about 5 minutes over the ropes at the practice green. Very gracious.

A few others...but those are tbe most notable.


Football players

Garo Yepremian - played golf with him twice in a NFL Charities tourney. Lots of fun. He does public speaking now. Daughter is very ill...sad but lovely story of love there.

Jim McMahon - This dude is out of control. Drinks beer like water..shows no effects at all. Plays golf in bare feet and a flowered shirt...regardless of whether its warm enough to do so. Lots of fun.

Mike Quick - pro bowl receiver for the eagles. (more golf).

Jack Ham - Hall of Fame linebacker - Steelers. Met him at a Boy Scouts function.

Sterling Sharp - Another celeb golf event. Nice guy. Shorter than I thought he would be.

Ron Jaworski - Super Bowl QB Eagles - A little standoffish until he gets to know you better. I've met him on several occassions at several events in Philly.

John Stallworth - HOF receiver Pittsburgh. Really great guy. Runs an engineering and contracting firm in Alabama?? now.

David Akers - Pro Bowl kicker eagles. Really good guy.

Chad Lewis - Pro Bowl TE Philly. Speaks fluent chinese...signed his name in chinese on the football he autographed for me.



Justin Hayward, Graeme Edge, John Lodge - Moody Blues ... backstage passes to a meet the band event that I won from the local radio station. Got to spend about a half hour with them prior to the show.

Frank Zappa - This was truly a brush with greatness. Shook his hand through the limo window and got him to autograph the ticket.

Scorpions - shook their hands as they were coming into the show and I was getting kicked out of the place after sneaking into sound checks. Klaus Mein signed the ticket.

Huey Lewis - Went to an industry event where he played with "the news". Then he came out after the show and talked to a few select folks for about an hour. Really down to earth..realizes how lucky he and the guys were to have such success...plays now cause he digs it...which is cool.

Carlos Santana - Imric should remember this brush with greatness...after seeing a show in AC, we were wandering the boardwalk when he came walking by. We told him what a great show it was...which generated a thank you and a slight bow as he wandered by.

KIX - all of them...but mostly Steve Whiteman - came into the radio station I worked at in WV (their home...though they went to CA to get famous). Nice guy. Lisp...you can hear it if you know its there. Also met former member Brad Divens who left cause he wanted to sing (he's on 2nd album and has 2 discs out with a band called Wrathchild America...and I know all those guys...partied with them quite a bit...mostly with Shannon the drummer...another story and they never "made it" so not a famous person)


Hollywood types.

David Morse - Hack, Green Mile, Hearts in Atlantis et al... - met and chatted at the Morris Arboretum in Philly. Chatted in the Rose Garden of all places. Dude is really tall.

Jerry Orbach - Old new york cop on Law and Order - met at a dinner event. Really nice ...chatted about nothing really for several minutes.


Someone else mentioned Abby Hoffman. Met him at a speaking engagement at WVU while I was there. He wasn't very friendly..but it was understandable due to the fact he was obviously not feeling well.

I'm probably forgetting some folks...and purposefully leaving out some others that I met in passing...like father George Bush...shook his hand in a greeting line is all. It was cool..like Scott said...only a handful of folks have actually been President...so agree with politics or not...being greeted by one of them is pretty cool.

Thats enough for now.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Reminds me I met Billy Bragg once after a gig. Nice bloke.
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Met alot of musicians...
...problem is that most of them never made it or were has beens by the time I met them.

The coolest was [link|http://www.thegodz.net/|Eric Moore] and the GODZ. (The GODZ are rock and roll MACHINES!)

I bought their debut LP in 70's and thought it was great. They had all sorts of issues with record companies and only had 2 out on Casablanca and one out on an independent label.

Eric was rock and roll incarnate. A wild man's wild man. I was no slouch at partying at this point in my life and I wasn't even remotely in his league...lets say it was t-ball to major leage baseball. (I tried to keep up)

I had them in the studio for 2 hours prior to their gig...I think I may still have the original reel tape floating around somewhere if it didn't get pitched. Edited that 2 hours into a 1/2 hour special I ran the following night (about 10 minutes of full on dialogue and 20 minutes of tunes).

The other favorite musician was a guitarist, Billy Toth. Billy played for a band called Assassin. These guys were a local tour (Md, WV, OH, PA) and were a really good band. They cut a disk but were mostly a cover band. Billy played a natural Gibson Explorer that he had custom chopped to insert a tremolo bar...this axe was like playing butter. He cut his chops playing southern rock and was best playing Purple covers. He played a mean Highway Star.

Got to know him really well over a couple year period...kept in touch for a while after the band called it quits...but finally lost touch.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Re: Golfers.
In 1956, I caddied a round or two for [link|http://www.alibris.com/search/search.cfm?qwork=2426524&matches=38&qsort=r|Claude Harmon] in a benefit tournament. Got to see some amazing shots.

Claude Harmon won the Golf Masters Championship in 1948. I had no idea how famous he was at the time.

Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost. -- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German philosopher
New That was back..
...when shotmakers were common. The game is different now...favoring the bombers and wedge players. Guys like Harmon and later Ballesteros, who could chip it from a parking lot have it hop twice and stop within 5 feet are relics...distant memories of when the hardest game invented was even harder.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

     Let's start a new thread - (lincoln) - (55)
         Re: Let's start a new thread - (inthane-chan)
         The Colonel - (SpiceWare)
         Heh, I was thinking that! - (Meerkat)
         Richard Dreyfuss and William Hurt - (broomberg)
         Darcy Wretzky, Douglas Adams - (admin)
         My list. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             curious where did you meet Abby at? - (boxley)
         Define met. Define famous. - (Another Scott) - (4)
             Nah, you gotta have at least exchanged "Hello"s. ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 Seconded - (lincoln)
             OT:No-one ICLRPD'd "She transcended the boobocracy"? Amazing -NT - (Meerkat)
             Re: Define met. Define famous. - (deSitter)
         Jim Martin, Governor of NC (1985-1993). - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
             Sheesh! How'd I forget. - (mmoffitt)
         Hmmmm - (tjsinclair)
         Re: Let's start a new thread - (altmann)
         Re: Let's start a new thread - (Yendor) - (1)
             Re: Let's start a new thread - (inthane-chan)
         Re: Let's start a new thread - (Nightowl) - (23)
             Impressive Dr. Who__Whoo__er, Whoot--Owl ;-) - (Ashton) - (2)
                 New Dr Who episodes in production (new thread) - (Meerkat)
                 Re: Impressive Dr. Who__Whoo__er, Whoot--Owl ;-) - (Nightowl)
             I'm not worthy! - (Meerkat) - (13)
                 Re: I'm not worthy! - (Nightowl) - (12)
                     Heh.. - (Ashton) - (11)
                         I agree - (Nightowl) - (10)
                             I think every 'star' that has gone along to a convention - (Meerkat) - (9)
                                 Hahaha! I remember that about Katy Manning! - (Nightowl)
                                 In order to keep my er history thesis correct - (Ashton) - (7)
                                     Go-Go Gadget Google Fu - (admin) - (6)
                                         ^^ NSFW -NT - (pwhysall)
                                         Damn. the obvious.. - (Ashton)
                                         Hmm... - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                             I thought it was.. just.. obvious?___(the origin) -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                 What, obvious that this was - or that something else was? - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                                     I'm sorry, Sir - but the title Obviousman is in use and \ufffd - (Ashton)
             Found a way to link to the pictures! - (Nightowl) - (5)
                 Schweet - thanks for posting those! - (Meerkat) - (1)
                     You're welcome :) - (Nightowl)
                 Nice. You Vas Dere, Charlie! - (Ashton) - (2)
                     Yep, it was a gas, Ashton! - (Nightowl) - (1)
                         It's all about endorphins - (Ashton)
         Re: Let's start a new thread - (jb4)
         I hadn't realized I'd met such a variety - (Silverlock) - (1)
             forgot about sports types - (boxley)
         Meet & Greets - (lister) - (2)
             Two more CanCon entries - (lister)
             Re: Meet & Greets - (jake123)
         Hey.. it's a *Rorschak!* - (Ashton) - (1)
             when reading others, remember more princess Anne - (boxley)
         Well let's see. - (bepatient) - (4)
             Reminds me I met Billy Bragg once after a gig. Nice bloke. -NT - (Meerkat) - (1)
                 Met alot of musicians... - (bepatient)
             Re: Golfers. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                 That was back.. - (bepatient)

I don't even see the point of having sound on this.
230 ms