of genuine satire. I was never sure (?) if some of their barbs re the obvious Baddies contained.. a bit of double entendre for Us'ns too (??) :-\ufffd
(I didn't later - really think there was a nascent Swift there, of course..)
But I'd bet that the later 'martyr'-comics, hounded from small club to small club by the Righteous Police (even arresting them from time to time!) .. all had heard Spike's stuff as kids. Y'know?
(Some of the words we kids made-up to pop-songs - would have gotten us the same treatment.. had we been a bit older and louder. Naturally too - we had yet to learn from life - just How deceitful had been our class courses, esp. re 'civics' and 'democracy' and the rule of law equally applied (even to Corporations!) and all that other cant, intended to mollify our umm periodic questions.)
Ah.. antiAuthoritarianism.. may Her banner ever wave free, in the winds of blowhards!
Ashton the Despicable
lousy teamplayer