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New Re: Heh.. nice lateral pass near the (endzone?)
yeah, well, I have years of survival among the terrorists in academia, the most vicious I know. One doesn't go for victory, one goes for humilation, victory is only the icing you wipe in their face after the humilation.

...and I doubt you'll need my meager talents in wordsmithing with the Taliban, you hold your own quite well. Don't forget to bring a lighter with you, those beards have got to be flamable.

By the way, one tactic I've always thought would be fun is the old trick with lighter fluid, blowing it out of one's mouth, while lighting it (or was it alcohol). Anyhow, when engaged in vigorous debate with Frick or Frack, I would get endless hours of enjoyment watching the look on their faces as you fry their turbans with a well aimed shot, then tell'em the Great Satan sent you...
Gerard Allwein
New I'm *certain* that you know my fav academia quote (!)
Attrib to Henry the Kissinger, ~

The reason that academic debate* is so vicious is that, so little is at stake..

* or was it conversation? life?

Now That's umm droll..

I once went with a visiting German grad student of Oriental art, whom I'd met years before in Hamburg. We went to some demi-faculty couple's house in Berkeley. The 'competition' and back-biting within every dripping phrase was .. well I'd wished mightily I'd brought a tiny tape recorder. When we left (blessedly) we looked at each other with same smirk ~ Gawd, are you sure you wanna hang out with These twits? No problem for her - she was enroute to China! (Before Nixon).

What seems faster and more condensed than academic flow is..
West Wing !! I mean - do policy wonks actually swap repartee at these hypersonic levels? (I note that some of the better quips are from the Repub. loyal opposition - I'd even call that, more balance than just about anywhere on the Tube??)

re face time with the Big-T, I'd imagine a quick rehearsal with some 3 Stooges flicks ... point to the Head Honcho's er shirt-front - as he looks down, raise hand up and tweak nose. These folk look *literally* as if.. were a smile to happen on those faces? they'd crack the concrete.

OK.. we won't get this chance with the Big-T, but t'would be glorious..

Yours most faithfully in their disservice,

New Re: I'm *certain* that you know my fav academia quote (!)
I think politics anywhere is nasty, except that in academia there is a lot of unused brainpower that goes into making others' lives miserable. That does tend to magnify trifles. But also, academia is very intense, research is hard and very self-absorbing and a lot is not generally done in the moderating company of others. That makes one confront internal demons and sometimes one loses...hehehehe...
Gerard Allwein
     November 17th deadline for military action - (bluke) - (112)
         Re: November 17th deadline for military action - (addison) - (10)
             Sensitivity is very important here - (Steven A S) - (9)
                 I don't think so. - (addison) - (8)
                     But what of sensitivity toward Islam itself? - (marlowe) - (6)
                         Ah, the tolerance of the man. - (Silverlock)
                         Missing the point - (hnick)
                         Other ways to look at it.. - (addison) - (3)
                             I'm presuming that we can keep an eye on the situation... - (marlowe) - (2)
                                 Problem is... - (addison) - (1)
                                     I can't parse it any better than that either. - (Ashton)
                     I see the fence sitters as - (Steven A S)
         Re: November 17th deadline for military action - (rsf) - (40)
             Tend to agree. Remember the Tet Offensive? - (drewk) - (39)
                 Thank you for reading my mind. - (jb4)
                 Fool me twice, shame on me. - (marlowe) - (37)
                     Re: Fool me twice, shame on me. - (addison) - (36)
                         Re: Wakeup call: So many missing the point - (dmarker2) - (35)
                             !Vietnam - (kmself) - (30)
                                 Re: Not the same debate ??? - (dmarker2)
                                 Death toll majority non-citizens? - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                                     Wikipedia - (kmself) - (1)
                                         The numbers are in flux. AP story. - (Another Scott)
                                 Where thugs come from - (Silverlock) - (4)
                                     Yep. But not as late as the 20th century - (admin) - (3)
                                         to google or not to google - (Silverlock) - (2)
                                             My own faulty memory... - (admin) - (1)
                                                 Vaguely remember a movie about this - (Silverlock)
                                 Tremendous analogy! - (jb4) - (1)
                                     Cancer - (kmself)
                                 You make me look moderate by comparison! - (marlowe) - (17)
                                     Its a common sense approach. - (addison) - (16)
                                         Re: who is the 'they' you write of ? - (dmarker2) - (15)
                                             They is somewhat fluid, depending on context. - (addison) - (14)
                                                 Re: I think you have lost sight of who - (dmarker2) - (13)
                                                     No, its not I with the lost sight. - (addison) - (12)
                                                         Re: Springing Bin Laden's trap - (dmarker2) - (11)
                                                             Re: Springing Bin Laden's trap - (addison) - (10)
                                                                 Re: Consider this ... - (dmarker2) - (9)
                                                                     Re: Consider this ... - (addison) - (8)
                                                                         Re: stick to the facts - (dmarker2) - (7)
                                                                             I'm not the one moving away from them - (addison) - (6)
                                                                                 Re: wrapping up - (dmarker2) - (5)
                                                                                     Re: wrapping up - (addison) - (4)
                                                                                         Re: wrapping up - another try - (dmarker2) - (3)
                                                                                             Retch out? - (wharris2) - (2)
                                                                                                 Ah.. the 1+1 certain logic of the unwarranted kewl buttinski -NT - (Ashton)
                                                                                                 Re: Retch out? - (dmarker2)
                                 OT: thugs. And comments. - (Another Scott)
                             Getting into possible Godwin territory, but... - (jb4) - (3)
                                 Also, Nazism wasn't backed by an ancient and venerable... - (marlowe)
                                 Re: Getting into possible Godwin territory, Headfirst !!! - (dmarker2)
                                 Point of order. Godwin. - (Ashton)
         Good time - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             We'll have a great advantage in winter though. - (admin) - (1)
                 Possibly. - (addison)
         Re: November 17th deadline for military action - (gtall) - (56)
             Re: It is simpler than that - (dmarker2) - (55)
                 Less simple. - (addison) - (8)
                     Re: 'they' - yet again - (dmarker2) - (7)
                         No. - (addison) - (6)
                             No. No No - (dmarker2) - (5)
                                 Alas, I'm afraid that in US - it will likely be about - (Ashton)
                                 Re: No. No No - (addison) - (3)
                                     Re: No. No No - (dmarker2) - (2)
                                         Re: No. No No - (addison) - (1)
                                             Re: No. No No - (dmarker2)
                 Re: It is simpler than that - (gtall) - (45)
                     Re: Cant even you see ... - (dmarker2) - (44)
                         You're not seeing something very important. - (addison) - (1)
                             Re: maybe we are honing in on something here - (dmarker2)
                         Re: Cant even you see ... - (gtall) - (22)
                             Heh.. luck? - (Ashton)
                             Re: Cant even you see ... - (dmarker2) - (20)
                                 Ashton has a kernel of a good idea ... - (gtall) - (19)
                                     Heh.. nice lateral pass near the (endzone?) - (Ashton) - (3)
                                         Re: Heh.. nice lateral pass near the (endzone?) - (gtall) - (2)
                                             I'm *certain* that you know my fav academia quote (!) - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                 Re: I'm *certain* that you know my fav academia quote (!) - (gtall)
                                     Re: Greatly enjoyed that ... - (dmarker2) - (14)
                                         Re: Greatly enjoyed that ... - (gtall) - (13)
                                             OK.. Spike Jones! (In Der F\ufffdehrer's Face)____:-\ufffd - (Ashton) - (12)
                                                 Re: OK.. Spike Jones! & the city slickers - beetlebomb - (dmarker2) - (3)
                                                     Re: OK.. Spike Jones! & the city slickers - beetlebomb - (gtall) - (2)
                                                         Also, Car Talk on NPR - "Click & Clack the Tappit brothers" -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                                                         They seemed closest that.. '50s Murican culture could abide - (Ashton)
                                                 Dinner music for people who aren't really hungry - (wharris2) - (7)
                                                     Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry - (dmarker2) - (6)
                                                         Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry - (wharris2) - (5)
                                                             Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry - (dmarker2) - (4)
                                                                 Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry - (wharris2) - (3)
                                                                     Re: We live in interesting times - (dmarker2) - (2)
                                                                         cackle - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                                             Re: cackle - (dmarker2)
                         Human Shields, Information Warfare - (kmself) - (18)
                             Is there reason to believe US means to stifle al-Jazeera? - (Ashton) - (5)
                                 Yes - (kmself) - (4)
                                     No less disturbing, for being so utterly unsurprising :[ -NT - (Ashton)
                                     What? - (addison) - (2)
                                         Well.. both are still in bizness - (Ashton)
                                         Mahr was publicly censured, Onion commented on it - (kmself)
                             Re: A well argued and reasoned case - thanks - (dmarker2) - (11)
                                 I think you're missing something. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                     Re: I think you're missing something. - (dmarker2)
                                 Taliban troops - (kmself) - (8)
                                     Re: Taliban troops - US invasion ? - (dmarker2) - (5)
                                         Occupation - (kmself) - (4)
                                             Re: Occupation - (wharris2) - (2)
                                                 Bosnia - (kmself)
                                                 Kosovo - (Arkadiy)
                                             Occupation update: SF Chron, US to base ops in Afghanistan - (kmself)
                                     Who is going to deal with these refugees? - (bluke) - (1)
                                         Changes like a kaleidoscope daily.. - (Ashton)

Dorian Gray would show wear and tear in this job.
130 ms