Post #15,230
10/26/01 8:11:00 AM
Re: Greatly enjoyed that ...
You do take the time & depth to think about these things & it shows. Am guessing there is age & wisdom behind your perceptions & comments.
I really got a laugh (as I'm sure Ashton did) about him dressing down Hekel & Jekyl (I hope I'm not too old to be the only one who remebers those two irreverent crows - if not I am sure other will see the funny side of the label).
To me at this time, if Musharraf can control Pakistan, and is doing so because US has a close link to him, then the Taliban leadership are toast. They have no meaningful friends if Musharraf don't like em.
Musharraf recently got rid of the head of his intelligence service (pro Taliban) arrested to scientists who helped the Paki Nuki development because they were pro taliban - this guy just keeps impressing me as to what a great leader he is.
At first I regarded him as a typical Paki military dictator, but after watching him in his meetings with Indian leaders incl Vijapy I changed my opinion, now since this crisis I truly admire the guy & hope he hangs in there for some time. He has what it takes to help US succeed in a just settlement of the crisis with Taliban & Afghanistan. His hosting of the recent Afghan tribal council & their pronouncenments leave me feeling my faith in Powell & Musharraf is fully justified.
You are quite right re Bin Laden - the same was done to Saddam Hussien (privately I can debate a lot about him, his actions & policies) but from the realpolitik position he was enemy. Many shallow brained short sighted gung-ho people argued that the US fu**ed up in not killing him during gulf war - these people never listened to Bush & Cheney & the commitments they made to coalition partners to get them on board. But, by keeping Saddam where he was afterwards, he was just like a big mean tiger that had its teeth pulled, was great to frighten the masses with, his roar was great but he had no bite & US leaders knew this but many ordinary folk couldn't grasp this. A toothless Saddam who had been publicly whupped was a far easier figure to deal with than some other hard nosed aggressive replacement fresh from the farm.
Same was done with Kaddafi (Gaddafi) - he too was made a toothless tiger & wheeled out to roar at and frighten the frightenable .
Yup - we now need to do it to OBL - don't martyr him - pull his teeth & castrate the bastard & wheel him out when we need to scare the masses. So far, if Musharraf holds good, and the new Afghan admin says they don't want him (per their recent declaration) then it is looking very much like OBL can be made in to an unwanted wimpering fool (sort of).
US has succeeded in do it before (as above) I think they may be about to do it again & yes there is a strong degree of wanting it to turn out this way (grin).
Post #15,276
10/26/01 1:42:27 PM
Re: Greatly enjoyed that ...
Yup, I rememeber Heckel and Jeckyl, wonderful cartoons. All I have to do is ask my students about my wisdom and I get immediate feedback on precisely what they think about that. I've learned not to ask.
Do you remember Frick and Frack? I've seen them, that'll put a lower bound on my age...I'm that old.
Gerard Allwein
Post #15,287
10/26/01 2:37:30 PM
10/26/01 3:07:55 PM
OK.. Spike Jones! (In Der F\ufffdehrer's Face)____:-\ufffd
Hmm we need an anthem:
With slight rewording.. In Der Mullah's Face
Maybe Mr. Jones' heirs can use the royalties?
Post #15,329
10/26/01 7:23:56 PM
Re: OK.. Spike Jones! & the city slickers - beetlebomb
Is his enduring memory for me. Dad was a Spike Jones fan. I recall that once, in the spirit of Spike Jones (who may have 1st done this) he took a 78 of 'Mule Train' (Frankie Lane) and drilled an extra hole near the centre - got a few hours laugh out of the distorted version that played.
I still occasional mimic Spike Jones calling of the race in the Bettlebomb song. Esp remember "'Banana peel' slipping up on the inside rail".
Also of a slightly later era was Gerard Hoffnung & his 'orchestra'.
RE Frick & Frack - rings a bell but can't recall em ?
Post #15,398
10/27/01 7:42:52 AM
Re: OK.. Spike Jones! & the city slickers - beetlebomb
I remember Spike Jones records, they were great.
Frick and Frack were a pair of clowns with the Ice Follies. They did the most amazing things on skates. There is some kind of store called Frick and Frack's, so if you do a web search, that is all you'll see...interlopers!
Gerard Allwein
Post #15,420
10/27/01 10:45:05 AM
Also, Car Talk on NPR - "Click & Clack the Tappit brothers"
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Post #15,442
10/27/01 5:47:43 PM
They seemed closest that.. '50s Murican culture could abide
of genuine satire. I was never sure (?) if some of their barbs re the obvious Baddies contained.. a bit of double entendre for Us'ns too (??) :-\ufffd
(I didn't later - really think there was a nascent Swift there, of course..)
But I'd bet that the later 'martyr'-comics, hounded from small club to small club by the Righteous Police (even arresting them from time to time!) .. all had heard Spike's stuff as kids. Y'know?
(Some of the words we kids made-up to pop-songs - would have gotten us the same treatment.. had we been a bit older and louder. Naturally too - we had yet to learn from life - just How deceitful had been our class courses, esp. re 'civics' and 'democracy' and the rule of law equally applied (even to Corporations!) and all that other cant, intended to mollify our umm periodic questions.)
Ah.. antiAuthoritarianism.. may Her banner ever wave free, in the winds of blowhards!
Ashton the Despicable lousy teamplayer
Post #15,409
10/27/01 8:30:44 AM
Dinner music for people who aren't really hungry
The black and blue Danube Waltz is classic.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #15,419
10/27/01 10:37:27 AM
Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry
Look you miserable bored cretin, if all you can do is snipe from the gutter just fuck off and attach your pathetic responses to someone elses posts. You neither add intelectual value of any note nor do you exhibit any ability to research your topics in any measure of depth. You add nothing !!!.
I gave you my email contact me directly so we can really thrash this out.
Cheers (& don't bother responding here).
(inspired by CRC)
Post #15,439
10/27/01 5:23:38 PM
Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry
What in hell are you talking about?
It's a real Spike Jones album.
The Black and Blue Danube Waltz is a track on the album.
You brought up Spike Jones. I was adding flavor to the topic, or so I thought.
I didn't think it was me who shoved a cactus up you to make you show such hostility.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #15,456
10/27/01 9:25:40 PM
Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry
I apologise - I was reacting to three other of your posts, and took this one to be in the same vein.
But, you say you were not sniping here and I accept that and unreservedly appologise here in this thread. I am sorry I allowed a cactus up my bum and yelled at you.
Post #15,465
10/27/01 11:00:38 PM
Re: Ear candy for the noise hungry
Much as I may rabidly attack your posts, I stop here and: oh god, accept apology and apologize in return if some of my foaming at the mouth postings may have cut into you.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #15,467
10/28/01 12:55:41 AM
Re: We live in interesting times
I know that this Afghan business is getting to us all. It is a struggle to keen sensible under the intensity we are experiencing. The Afghan campaign could still go well or badly & I know we all want to see US actions come out on top and in front politically, militarily and morally.
The more this business goes on, the more we will be tempted to react to each others imagined or perceived remarks. I value being part of this ezboard community & really do feel I learn a lot from the many talented people here.
I was not proud of myself for having had a go at you & saying what I said, so the apology was genuine. Thankfully, within a week I am on holdiay & going to NZ & Oz to catch up with family.
Anyway - thanks for accepting my apology, what I said was harsh & not a real refelction of our potential to deal with the issues & stresses we all feel.
Post #15,472
10/28/01 3:36:15 AM
now we're going to argue about which apology to what insult to accept.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #15,474
10/28/01 3:48:39 AM
Re: cackle
Rather that than the alternative (V B Grin)
Cheers - Doug
Actually, argument and debate are what hones the intellect, the argument then is the value of intellect over feeling/emotion - now that actually gets into the DNA of the persons concerned - life is an amazing place