[link|http://www.theonion.com/onion3738/privileged_children.html|Onion's Documentary on the Protagonists]

And Mahr.. is still around. Sears bailed (at least initially, dunno about now) as sponsor + some other Horrified Sponsor for Liberty and Free Speech - whose name I forget. For a couple days the only 'sponsor' was yep: CD-Sellers a la late-night Tee Vee. ABC at least kept the show on air, whatever the sponsorless period did to bottom line.

I forget where Onion transgressed the Authorized Post-9/11 Speech Rules. I recall hearing its chief honcho interviewed on NPR, at the time - but not what Bad Thing he had done. (Didn't expect to hear about it on ABCMSNBCCBS, now did we?)

