Too Many Scars
This is my last post here.
I have no power to forgive. The word is meaningless. God himself is a cruel, malicious bastard, and his in-his-image-created people are a scourge on a beautiful planet. As a general rule, they are stupid, venal and miserable beyond any description. They shit, piss and vomit on everything good and noble. They are black-hearted cowards and will not stop until this fair corner of the Universe is a smoking ruin. Good riddance - but pity the innocence of bees and squirrels. Still, once in a while a good one randomly pops up almost in spite of the evil bastard who sits on the throne of "heaven". For that at least I am thankful - no one can erase the memory of a Beethoven or an Einstein. Actually, come to think of it, that's not really true, is it? Wait, there's that Voyager thingy - a message in a bottle cast off a sinking ship that will of course never be found. That's some comfort, no?
At this point I am so scarred up by living 42 years among homo venalis that I have nothing in my soul but disgust and a desire to be 100 million miles from the stink of this miserable race. Ask God to forgive you. If he's having a good day, he might consider it. Of course, he may hit you with a terrorist jet too, or force you to choose between incineration, pulverization, or a 1000 foot, 10 second lesson in unassisted human flight. And if you're like me, he may rub it in by letting you dream about it beforehand and so rip away even the comfort and escape of sound sleep. Thanks God!