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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Really?
Seems to me you responded to one of my posts - an impersonal, neutral one and not a reply to you, with "Hey dickhead!" Now, you're perfectly welcome to call me a dickhead if you know me (or think you do) - e.g. I can even respect that maggot Harris because he's at least honest about hating me - but you REALLY KNOW ME and still just up and "dickheaded" me. And guess what - if I'd known it was you, I would have been actually wounded - but I didn't, so I hit back. And now I'm just forced to swallow one more disgusting moment of two-facedness and backstabbing from someone I really trusted. So fuck you buddy and stay fucked.
New Please...
I really meant the subject line as a play on words like we used to do in the old IWE. I was playing around and didn't realize that you were taking me that seriously. I also really thought that you knew who I was... really. I have apologized in other posts last night and today. Guy, please don't be hurt. I meant absolutely nothing personal. I was arguing points, that's all. I crossed the line.

If I didn't care how you viewed things or what you think, I wouldn't have bothered to respond or to spend the effort that I am now to try and make you understand that I didn't mean to upset you personally. It means something to me that I don't. I do consider you a friend and that I most probably screwed up. I'm asking you to be a friend and understand that it truly was unintentional and to forgive me.

New Too Many Scars
This is my last post here.

I have no power to forgive. The word is meaningless. God himself is a cruel, malicious bastard, and his in-his-image-created people are a scourge on a beautiful planet. As a general rule, they are stupid, venal and miserable beyond any description. They shit, piss and vomit on everything good and noble. They are black-hearted cowards and will not stop until this fair corner of the Universe is a smoking ruin. Good riddance - but pity the innocence of bees and squirrels. Still, once in a while a good one randomly pops up almost in spite of the evil bastard who sits on the throne of "heaven". For that at least I am thankful - no one can erase the memory of a Beethoven or an Einstein. Actually, come to think of it, that's not really true, is it? Wait, there's that Voyager thingy - a message in a bottle cast off a sinking ship that will of course never be found. That's some comfort, no?

At this point I am so scarred up by living 42 years among homo venalis that I have nothing in my soul but disgust and a desire to be 100 million miles from the stink of this miserable race. Ask God to forgive you. If he's having a good day, he might consider it. Of course, he may hit you with a terrorist jet too, or force you to choose between incineration, pulverization, or a 1000 foot, 10 second lesson in unassisted human flight. And if you're like me, he may rub it in by letting you dream about it beforehand and so rip away even the comfort and escape of sound sleep. Thanks God!

New Friends will be here if you change your mind.
Best of luck Ross.

New Wot 'e said.
Ross, as a middling science fiction author said...

"Life sucks, then you die, then they put you in a hole in the ground, and then the worms eat you.


Yeah, things get kind of rough. There are morons out there. 50% of everybody is below average, but 50% of everybody is above.

If(Glass.status == full.half or Glass.status == empty.half)
system.out("Who cares, it tastes good!");
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New I wish you well.
Nobody said it would be easy - being smarter than your average cocker spaniel, in a society that isn't, much. You've got the smarts and, I think - the guts. You could cancel out a lotta dumbth, if you will..

Yes you have a nuance detector; be nice to use it on other folk too, sometimes.

Get well.

New I've had days like that.
Hell, I've had years like that.

Beware: if you blame God for how man turned out, you might later have kids that grow up to disappoint you, and end up regretting your harsh words.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
     According to a Russian TV correspondent in Pakistan... - (Arkadiy) - (76)
         Indeed - (deSitter) - (75)
             Speaking of the Times of India - (Ric Locke) - (64)
                 Good Sites on Pakistan History, Culture, Politics - (deSitter) - (2)
                     one out of 2 aint bad :) -NT - (boxley)
                     one out of 2 aint bad :) -NT - (boxley)
                 More Good Stuff - (deSitter) - (59)
                     Re: Great Source - more on next trouble spot - Indonesia - (dmarker2) - (58)
                         Re: Additional perspective on Indonesia from US sources - (dmarker2) - (57)
                             Trying to discover an overview is rarely successful during, - (Ashton) - (56)
                                 I'll try... - (screamer) - (55)
                                     Perhaps begs the question (?) - (Ashton) - (54)
                                         You, a fatalist? I never would have guessed... - (screamer) - (53)
                                             Life is a fatal condition - (Ashton) - (52)
                                                 That, my friend, is the million dollar question... - (screamer) - (51)
                                                     Well.. OK just so long as - (Ashton) - (50)
                                                         In the final analysis, at this particular point in - (screamer) - (49)
                                                             As said: as a tactic, prolly necessary a bit, such as we are - (Ashton) - (48)
                                                                 What you said. - (inthane-chan) - (47)
                                                                     Nietzsche also believed in superman... - (screamer) - (46)
                                                                         I doubt he believed in Superman... - (inthane-chan) - (10)
                                                                             Couple of factual points.... - (addison) - (6)
                                                                                 Hitler not threatening? - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                                                                                     It's Laughable, Isn't it? - (deSitter)
                                                                                     Not to the US culture, no. - (addison) - (1)
                                                                                         Re: Not to the US culture, no. - (Arkadiy)
                                                                                 Guess I'm demonizing myself as well... - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                                                                     Its all context. - (addison)
                                                                             I'm only gonna say this once... - (screamer)
                                                                             As a matter of fact, it *is* on the line. - (marlowe) - (1)
                                                                                 Not on theirs. - (inthane-chan)
                                                                         No He Didn't - (deSitter) - (34)
                                                                             Yo, Ubermenschkopf, do you have a clue? - (screamer) - (33)
                                                                                 Pitiful - (deSitter) - (32)
                                                                                     Fair enough... - (screamer) - (31)
                                                                                         I Have Gained My Religion - (deSitter) - (4)
                                                                                             I wish I had the answers... - (screamer) - (3)
                                                                                                 Likely a wise decision re nihilism.. and other -isms. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                                                                     Extremes/Extremists get the most attention - (Steven A S) - (1)
                                                                                                         Thou sayest: so long as the noise drowns out the wise(r) :[ -NT - (Ashton)
                                                                                         Ah, thanks... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                                                                             The taaaaglinnnnnnnnneeeeee...... - (screamer)
                                                                                         Thanks Dan for turning into an incognito asshole - (deSitter) - (23)
                                                                                             Wow. - (pwhysall)
                                                                                             Now it's gettin personal... - (screamer) - (16)
                                                                                                 I don't get it, Dan - (Ashton) - (8)
                                                                                                     I think you do know... - (screamer)
                                                                                                     OK, sorry... - (CRConrad) - (6)
                                                                                                         Yup. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                                                                                                             Which kind'a proves two things. No, three: - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                                                                                                 I don't think deSitter had malice a-forethought. Forgetful? -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                                                                                 less see according to psych 101 and posts here n there - (boxley) - (1)
                                                                                                                     Agreed. Pity that he didn't mention this last ugly event - (Ashton)
                                                                                                         Barb? - (Ashton)
                                                                                                 Really? - (deSitter) - (6)
                                                                                                     Please... - (screamer) - (5)
                                                                                                         Too Many Scars - (deSitter) - (4)
                                                                                                             Friends will be here if you change your mind. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                                                                                 Wot 'e said. - (inthane-chan)
                                                                                                             I wish you well. - (Ashton)
                                                                                                             I've had days like that. - (marlowe)
                                                                                             Which kind of remark strongly suggests - (Ashton)
                                                                                             There are some people too stupid to live. -NT - (wharris2) - (3)
                                                                                                 Now, now. ... - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                                                                     You Bet I'm Angry - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                                                                         Sorry about your loss. - (Another Scott)
                 Re: A worrying part of the attack - the casualty reports ... - (dmarker2)
             Re: Certainly a big worry ... Pakis in awful position ... - (dmarker2) - (1)
                 Side note - (pwhysall)
             Re: Indeed - (Arkadiy) - (7)
                 Nope - (deSitter) - (6)
                     Low maybe... - (bepatient) - (3)
                         Impossible - (deSitter) - (2)
                             Re: Impossible - (Andrew Grygus)
                             Oops...you're right...my thinking was B1B -NT - (bepatient)
                     True. On the other hand . . - (Andrew Grygus)
                     Who has "air forse or significant SAM capability" ... - (Arkadiy)

The world of cereal is a rich and exciting one, and no mistake.
170 ms