It seems pretty obvious that the WTC attack was designed to make us so angry that we throw our head at them in retaliation. He's had the reputation that would lead one to believe such an attack should work.
He hasn't fucked up seriously yet, AFAIC. Everyone, including me, expected him to do so. Don't know that he's a great leader just yet. He's doing better than expected, and that's good news.
Given what he's inherited WRT security, mid east history, and hostile fuckwits already in-country, I can't think that anyone else would do better. Resurrecting Saint JFK would not have saved the towers.
He's enjoyed the reputation that he can't piss in the woods and hit a tree, but he hasn't fucked up seriously yet. He still requires serious watching, but for the moment, he's doing adaquately. That's not precisely a walk, but he should get some slack.
When he starts using the slack to implement (more of) a police society to protect freedom, *THEN* we sic a crunch-bird on his ass...
my .02,