- Lying under oath to protect his campaign contributors as Governor of Texas
- Launching his campaign at Bob Jones University, a campus which forbids interracial dating to preserve the purity of the White race, forces students to participate in mandatory religious cerimonies, and forbids listening to music or leaving the campus unescorted.
- Condemning veterans' support for the military after having deserting the national guard himself
- Calling John McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter the result of an adulterous affair between McCain and a black woman
- Lying during his campaign about whether he had ever been arrested or had ever driven drunk, repeatedly
- "Should I tell them they're all going to hell?" before speaking to Jews at an Auschwitz memorial
- Saying the United States should be a dictatorship, repeatedly
- Leaving Texas so bankrupt from his tax cuts that it had to ask for emergency federal aid
- Taking campaign money from al Qaeda and Hezbollah
- Launching a lawsuit to prevent legitimate votes from being counted in Florida
- Inviting the regional leaders of Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and HAMAS to the White House and promoting them as representatives of mainstream Islam
- Illegally sealing public records from the Reagan administration
- Establishing an office to promote federal enforcement of religion
- Selling stays at the Lincoln Bedroom after promising to stop Clinton's practice of this
- Spreading false claims about Clinton's staff having vandalized the White House when in fact there was only routine wear and every administration since and including Carter has left a more damaged White House than Clinton
- Spreading false claims about Clinton stealing White House furniture
- Spending federal tax money earmarked for Presidential day-to-day affairs for campaigning and fundraising instead
- Appointing people to positions who are diametrically opposed to the position's moral requirements, including corporate fraudsters to the SEC, pro-pollution lobbyists to the EPA, criminals to every agency's Inspector General's office, and bigots as judges
- Sucking up to Yasser Arafat by promoting the 3-state solution and expansion of the Palestinian Authority's territory through terrorism, and assigning his opinion ex post facto to all prior Presidents
- Ordering the intelligence agencies to stop tracing al Qaeda's money supply once it hit a Saudi, ending most investigations against al Qaeda
- Sitting on the Clarke war plan against al Qaeda, ignoring the urgings of outgoing Clinton administration officials to go after the terrorists, and refusing requests to resume surveillance flights over Afghanistan that had been halted due to the weather
- Lying about who would be effected by his tax cuts and how
- Having the IRS print his campaign slogans on Senator Joe Lieberman's tax rebate checks
- Signing the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Promoting even greater expansion of police powers than the PATRIOT Act.
- Promoting the clearcutting of forests to save forests
- Taking control of schools away from the states and to the federal government, then making the schools ineligible for federal funding, and calling this "No Child Left Behind"
- Rescinding regulations on air pollution, allowing the worst-polluting energy plants to increase production without decreasing pollution per production, and calling this "Clear Skies Initiative"
- Using executive orders to nullify Congressional law, repeatedly
- Inventing false claims about France selling military equipment to Iraq
- Ignoring all his and his foreign allies' intelligence agencies' reports on Iraq's WMD capabilities and creating a new intelligence agency to tell him what he wanted to hear instead
- Lying in numerous speeches over a year, including his State of the Union address, about Iraq's WMD assets and capabilities, citing unspecified new and current intelligence, and later admitting that he only had intelligence from before Clinton's 1998 bombing.
- Invading Iraq in violation of United Nations Resolution 1441 which mandates that a UN committee be held to determine any punishment Iraq would receive for violating UN resolutions
- Cutting soldiers' pay and condemning opponents of the cut as anti-military
- Exposing the identity of a CIA agent who specializes in securing nuclear weapons materials and was undercover and in the field at the time because her husband was pointing out how much of a liar Bush was; then exposing the CIA front operation she worked for, blaming the leaks on Congress, and condemning the media for the journalistic policy of protecting whistleblowers
and that's just what I can remember off the top of my head right now.
Unfortunately, the entire Repo crowd is half the country and almost all the news sources.