...that you give all sorts of reasons why we should have expected something to happen...yet deny that the list indeed gives some culpability to the US in these acts.

Funny how I can't let that little slip in logic pass.

And you rail on facts versus "my view" of the facts. Et tu TTC?

What is your solution? Should we just sit back and wait for DNA evidence on a wire transfer of funds from a Bin Laden bank account to a terrorist cell?

These folks are COUNTING on the fact that we will act as we always have acted...with weakness.

What was our response to Lockerbie, the USS Cole, the african embassies? Was it one of strength or weakness. NOT FROM YOUR POV...but pretend to be a terrorist...just for a second. You sponsored the killing of nearly 10,000 civilians in the past 4 years...and the best that the "enemy" has come up with so far was the destruction of a pill factory and the capture of a couple of terrorists who will view life in prison as a tribute to Allah.

Fact is I am denouncing anyone who wishes to continue the trend of pussyfooting around the terrorist issue. Yes we should use all of the combined might of the United States and anyone who care join Mr Sam in a quest to hunt down and punish anyone involved in this action...either directly or by implicit support. Lets see if you think this a "patriotic" issue if the next target is somewhere closer to your home...or if the next attack happens to be biological...and kills millions (perhaps billlions) worldwide.

And please let me see a link to these "long dead persons and innocent Arabic persons" that we've blamed for these attacks. Certainly innocent people have been questioned in relationship to this case. If I were to commit some heinous act...I'm sure than many who knew me (completely innocently) would still be questioned...its called "investigation".

And are you attempting to make us believe that the Taliban would hand Bin Laden over >even with incontrovertable evidence<?

I somehow doubt this.