And that especially - the nature of what "he says" is his beef - underscores the utter inappropriateness of the acts of 9/11. It was the act of no-longer humans in the throes of ultimate Religious-insanity: My Idea IS Right = supersedes all other persons' ideas and their lives too.

We / No One "deserved" this insanity. To imagine so, is to become a mechanical part of a computer game, a non-human being.

As we have become militarily invincible, so have we become less and less sensitive to the many in the world who simply - do not want to live as Muricans live, embrace their 'values' (farmily or other), subordinate all of life to: mercantile machinations 24/7. In that sense, how could we *not* hear-fron the many many less-powerful, whose lives are daily affected by our powerful worldwide actions and yes - manipulations ?? But in attention-getting manner, not in doomsday scenarios for all who want a more-open society, free as possible from theological zealotry of all the infinite stripes.

And finally it IS about - The Open Society and Its Enemies (Popper and others). I agree with those who ID this atrocity on that scale. Underlying it all is the fact too, of how much easier is destruction of a complex (organism?) than its creation - symbolized by the ~7 years to construct the towers, an hour to doom them - seconds! for their compression into dust + thousands of ordinary human beings. I believe this is the 'scale', order of magnitude of what has been launched.

No existing 'slogans' can capture the opened Pandora's box, or accurately describe the nature of the quality of all decisions that must be made, next and for the foreseeable. 9/11 ended one era. (The one of "luck" from the infinite possible destructive mechanisms?)

Good luck to us all then. And.. restraint. *Nobody* 'knows' how to deal with matters on such a scale as this.
