I'd be interested in just what sorts of extenuating circumstances excuse the falsification of credentials.

If I begin to percieve that I'm at a disadvantage in the marketplace (which at present time is simultaneusly classifying me as "over-qualified" as a developer and "under-experienced" for management), and I see no-talent ass clowns getting promotions and raises while they fiddle their way through the fires, then I'm going to level the playing field. I'm going to cheat too. As will everybody else.

I don't much want to work/live in that kind of society - but if thats how the game works, hey, I can order a half dozen diplomas too. Maybe get a new identity while I'm at it. Heck, maybe a couple - each with its own credit card.

The system works best overall if everybody plays by the same set of rules. It is in everybody's interest to keep everybody else honest.

So I'm just acting in all of our best interests when I say "Jail em". Because a crime like this needs to be elevated to the level of "unthinkable".

PS - I found it sort of meta-entertaining that the diploma mill you point to offers conterfeit diplomas for a fraud university (your aforementioned DipShit U).