'Support' == read, fear of reprisal$.

Germany! has provided more tangible support, including specially-trained Bio-Chem experts and >1000 troops; support by manning US bases in Germany and allowing US fly-over and basing there -- than all but the "actual four" who sent more than highly-coerced flowers. Etc.

And when you hold a plebiscite in the listed places - including *especially* the UK [since you're a numbers kinda preppy, at No-Name Institute for the Arithmetical] - tell us what % of the world's population accepts One-Cabal sponsored first-strikes. Or wait til the next strike, and watch that number swell. Might not have to wait long, either. The engine is idling.


What, no Millikan's Pot info yet?
You and marlowe in the same secret bunker? - and the same UnListed 'Best' Academy too? Pshaw, sonny. Better get back to that ""work"" - 1+1=10 - higher math.