Leaving WinME in place, that is. One of these days, I'll boot up with RH7.1 just to see what it does. I'm beginning to suspect suspend is upsetting subsequent shutdowns, courtest of something I've installed at some point.

Before I first bought the thing, I researched on the 'net reasonably carefully the ramifications of installing Linux. There were several - in decreasing order of importance: the brightness and volume adjustments are software-controlled, the firewire controller is unsupported, the speedstep support is incomplete, the jog controller is non-standard and the Memoryt Stick slot and FDD are both USB. However, RH7.1 supports USB; I can get a program that knows about the jog controller; the speedstep switching may be supported now (haven't checked) and so might the firewire controller, though I don't use it. But the screen control is still a missing piece. I want to find that before I commit to Linux on it.

At least I have never had any use for the array of multi-media software the thing comes with, since I don't have any DV or Memory Stick devices.
