[image|/forums/images/warning.png|0|This is sarcasm...]

While I hardly see a need for a 'defense' of the man or his mod- Socratic method - nor a desire to characterize the loyal-opposition via My Perfect Scoring Method - WTF would That be - Meta-debate? ...

I believe that Brandioch's 'style' illustrates that most of us derive from a culture which long-ago ceased to present 'debate' (or by any other cockamamie cutesy New name) early-on in *school*, as a basic and necessary talent to possess: in a society governed, suffused with and bulldozed by sly innuendo, sophomoric and sanctimonious theological-pap masquerading as thought + ALL of the listed standard logic-errors (lists now available on the web! yet) etc.

While -yes- he often does drill-down to the underlying fallacy with laser precision, still we are all forced to the higher scale of umm 'Reason' via the ever-present need for context. I deem his score not-perfect in that, but less-imperfect than much obfuscating quips intended to oppose. (There is no one here IMhO including self (OK Self too) capable of a 100% 'score' on context and Reason! (That one would be a Sage. Hah!!) ... let-alone possessed of that Revealed-Truth\ufffd which only the terminally demented allot to selves. Like my Gramma, for a precise example. If one needs an example.

Personally I consider Brandioch a cohort in at least one major regard - we appear both to despise the morass of stupid labels (which people even claim proudly for selves!) - and which practice virtually guarantees the shallowness and juvenile name-calling which has always passed for 'debate' in those incapable of such - in our actively anti-intellectual Kultur. (I don't imagine that we two agree on all semi-important matters, nor does perfect agreement ever signify very much except maybe folie a deux ;-)

But at least in some disagreement, there would not intrude 'Valuez' or 'Liberty' as abstracts - and all the other illegible and vague blab-words like The Murican Peepul Believe that ___. That oasis alone, causes me to almost look for something to twit him about; I'd bloody well have to remain alert to er 'prevail' = Earn those valuable Ego-Points and exchange them for Frequent Fooler kilometers.

OK {sigh} back to straw-Repos VS Moderates the straw-Libruls [all 123 of these, hiding incognito in a cave in Orange County, I guess].

I still appreciate the best of these foribusicums; many here have risen to the level of eloquence on occasion - and that is a rare and valuable achievement.. in a society actively succumbing to general and increasing dumbth in all civilized matters. And now about to lead us all into a prolonged depression (in every single nuance); soon to be despised by even more fellow-Terrans, to boot:

(WTF - ask any 20 yo who 'Pandora' was. Or 40 yo? QED)