I, for one, do not fancy that I can ken just how you might Rule, once elected Dictator of the former-dis-USA (in some fanciful musing as surely can't be much crazier than each day's unfolding events are.)

Especially, I deem that You: for having priceless/unedited! daily experience in the Belly of that erstwhile-Beast, cannot now be such a Naif as to have elided the absurdities also encountered--have thence been mulling over--within some cocoon, fed by no more perspicuous a brain-pan than [fill in any Repo of notoriety.]

Ergo, Lay On, MacDuff; you've Experienced shit which (save for Alex?) maybe no one else here has, first-hand.
J'Accuse!-not that your cognitive facilities were damaged irreparably by your experience, as a one might.. momentarily surmise from the er, Bikers w/Chains icon (with which friend Rand has jocularly assailed thee. :-)

Should you ever aviate-West and want to try the bucolic Santa Rosa Municipal Airport, 'twould be fun to discuss the Meaning of Liff (and one's , umm 'Being Partkdolg Duty' )... and like that. We might as well conjure up a coup, as seems to be the common indoor sport now or, soon will be, eh?

(Simply, I haven't The Time to await the entirely pwned-Grist-Mill of congressional inaction, imagining any palpable surcease. Language murder there is too deeply ingrained.)
