Because you, being a poor stupid peon-serf, don't get to screw the rules like the megacorps you're holding up as paragons and whose example you are apparently deluded into thinking you should be entitled to follow.

Unfortunately for you, your corporate overlords have actually allowed the (more-or-less) democratically-elected political representatives of the world's populations to set up a (somewhat patchworky, and here and there slightly paradoxical, but still) more or less fair and just system where incomes are in the end taxed somewhere... Of course they allowed this only because they knew _they_ were no fucking way going to follow these rules.

You, though, aren't they, so you are. THAT'S why you get to pay taxes where the tax laws say you should, notwithstanding that some tiny number of cases on the margin may feel (and, sure, might actually even be) slightly illogical. (So what? Since when is legislation perfect, or perfect legislation even possible?)

Nobody, of course, expects this to stop you from mindlessly spouting your pro-corporate overlord slogans.

Think about that.