The system we have now is a mess. Companies, like Google, play games to move profits - to places where they aren't made - for tax purposes.

If you make $25k overseas, line 47 on Form 1040 is the place to deduct the overseas taxes you paid on that $25k. If you don't pay taxes on it overseas, why shouldn't the US tax it? It's part of your income. You're entitled to not be taxed twice on the income; you're not entitled to not pay any tax on it. As crazy said, we pay taxes to support the common good so that we don't all have to hire mercenaries to keep our neighbors out of our stuff. If you live in the US and have $100k in income, and your neighbor has $100k in income, why should you pay less in taxes because you've hidden $25k of that in a shell company with a PO box in the Bahamas?

If (generic) you think it's tyranny to pay taxes, move somewhere else. That goes for companies, too. And don't be surprised if you have to pay tariffs to access our market (I'd do that if I were king).

