* John Scott Campbell also pushed samples of such into our tiny little nascent minds!
I recall using one of his in several courses, and also making one.. for some silly purpose ot other. But then, when your Only calculator is a K&E log-log-Decitrig and log tables - this is no Big Deal. (Saw a 17-place log table once. Huge tome! Need Reo Speedwagon to cart around for surveying n'such)

Today, however - nomographs could well fill-in a bit, for necessary look-ups by the vastly-innumerate majority. If 'we' were smart enough to hand them out, that is. And if they were smart enough to realize they needed one. And - -

Hmmm - MPG at the gas pump? Naah.. take out the throwaway $3 4-banger.

* (Aforementioned ept, vastly curious and widely read 'drawing' instructor.)

JC possessed a Novachord ~ like a synthesizer; long before there was a decent techno, or even transistors.
Had a prof. Ampex tape recorder - I accompanied it and him to LA Philharmonic to tape the debut of a new pianist. He also wrote an opera for local performance: Spooks in the Basement (..of the Physics Building) (!!!).

Who Says -?- being.. engineerish means: ya gots to be a one-dimensional dork?
(Well, the envious do, but then...)

Dynamic nomograph: 2 nails in a board, with a string around: make ellipses!
Sometimes I miss analyt. geom. - I mean, who ever today has the foggiest what a Latus Rectum might be?