They apply one standard to Israel and another to the rest of the mideast. Of course, if we really wanted to make friends in the MidEast, all we'd have to do is pull the rug out and pass an economic blockade against Israel in the security council.

You seem to be under the mistaken belief that the U.S. has taken a hard line against Israel. What I always hear from the State Dept is (a) Israel should be cautious and sensitive; and (b) Israel has a right to defend itself. That line basically means the U.S. does nothing to try and stop the Israelis - including in Jenin.

As for the current context, I for one dislike the response from those that are trying to justify the soldiers actions. If the soldiers do not have discipline, then they are not a military force. It doesn't really matter whether we can justify it to ourselves, the effect on Arab opinion is already set in concrete. What matters from our perspective is simply whether the soldier defied orders in how to handle situations in armed conflict. Court martial his ass if he did. If the problem is more systematic, then Court Martial those involved in issuing the orders.