Lots of duplication in the posts, but one excerpt appears to be similar to mine:
As I said before, the Oden case appears to me to be a case of
individual harassment. The evidence is not quite in yet on what
actually happened though. I would *personally* like to hear what
impartial people who watched this had to say before I am ready to
make a final conclusion. I heard her side of the story on the
radio. It may not be the only side as is true in almost all
disputes like this. Since this strongly appears to be an
individual (and serious) dispute, I think there is a little time
to look into this further. Mr. Cohen mentioned that several
politicians were investigating this. I know the Green Party of
the U.S. says it is doing the same. Let's see what they find
Similar to mine except: I'm not convinced yet that she Was 'singled out because of her politics' - I am fairly convinced though, that she Though that was the reason (and was likely unaware of the 'web'-ordered ticket connection).

