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New Possums
Having dispatched nearly 20 of them by hand with the Swiss army knife I'm holding in [link|http://www.aaxnet.com/images/ajg11.jpg|this photo], (generally at about 3:00am) I know a fair amount about possums.

Thinking a wiffle bat would get a possum's attention is a complete misunderstanding - Sammy Sosa's corked bat swung by go'vner Arnold wouldn't get its attention. Those things are tough. They feel like a deflated football with some jello and loose chicken bones inside. You can't get a knife through them and they're just too stupid to know they're dead - and yes, they'll just keep right on eating. They don't "play possum" either, they snarl and snap and try to get at you any way they can.

The state possum expert (It's illegal to be a possum in the State of California) describes them as "working with about 1/3 of a deck". The first time one got into my pigeon coup, I disciplined it vigerously with a 2x4, but it was back 10 minutes later. they're too stupid to retain a lesson, so all you can do is kill them.

They're plentiful though - they're just too ugly and disgusting for any self respecting predator to want to get close enough to to kill one - and who'd want to eat it?
Expand Edited by Andrew Grygus Dec. 7, 2003, 01:40:57 AM EST
New OT is that a 1911 colt 45 ACP on the left side of the pic?
"We must face the fact that there is not a single country in the world that measures up to the lofty moral and social standards that are the hallmark of the U.S.A.: even Canada is delinquent and deserves a whiff of grape. There is not a single country in the world which, like the U.S., reeks of democracy and "human rights," and is free of crime and murder and hate thoughts and undemocratic deeds\ufffd. And so, since no other countries shape up to U.S. standards, \ufffd I make a Modest Proposal for the only possible consistent and coherent foreign policy: the U.S. must, very soon, Invade the Entire World!" Murray N. Rothbard

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New WIDs (Weapons of Individual Destruction) . .
. . in this picture are a Lugar (navy length barrel), a 7mm FN49 (on window sill), a 1911 Schmidt-Rubin bayonet (in hand) a 1911 Schmidt-Rubin rifle (behind me so you can't see it) a bottle of Glenfiddich, and a plate of pickled pigs feet (yum!).
New Ihr Kueche erscheint als U-boot - even the slacker uniform
New Had an 'artillery' long barrel model.
Luger ..for the fineness of craftsmanship + 'appreciation'. Never fired it, but noted how the complex mechanism might not have fared so well on Pacific Islands (say). Nor could you have cocked, reloaded the sucker with any injury to arm/wrist.

I always thought that the "point" of this WID must be about The Best; it indeed seemed that the CG blended-in perfectly, as extension of one's arm (the opposite of a .45, for one hideous counterexample). Were I into such lore, that is. ;-)

Now, whether the BID went.. where the sight suggested it might -?- no info on that.

Hey - want a Luger book? Forget title, but it's a big one I don't recall how materialized. Been there done that. Cute, for a WID, I guess. Bad WW-II vibes, for my sensitive psyche.

     How close do you like YOUR nature? - (lincoln) - (29)
         We're used to in around here. - (Andrew Grygus)
         This is nothing new - (Yendor)
         Big deal. - (admin) - (10)
             Re: Big deal. - (deSitter) - (6)
                 It's a city... :-P - (admin) - (5)
                     With a capital T that rhymes with P... - (bepatient) - (2)
                         Re: where that came from? - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                             Well...that part I knew... - (bepatient)
                     Mt. Sunflower KS - (deSitter) - (1)
                         Aye, but to go up Pikes I always take the cog railway - (tuberculosis)
             It is a "Big Deal" - (lincoln) - (1)
                 Was she trying to commit "lupicide"? - (deSitter)
             Re: Big deal. - yeah pretty much - (bepatient)
         Funny story - (drewk) - (15)
             Possums - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                 OT is that a 1911 colt 45 ACP on the left side of the pic? -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                     WIDs (Weapons of Individual Destruction) . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                         Ihr Kueche erscheint als U-boot - even the slacker uniform -NT - (deSitter)
                         Had an 'artillery' long barrel model. - (Ashton)
             Re: Funny story - (deSitter) - (1)
                 Old timey pics - (drewk)
             Might as well be here. - (admin) - (7)
                 <sides are splitting> - (deSitter) - (1)
                     That's about the extent of it. - (admin)
                 There was a 'possum carcass in our backyard once. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                     They've been doing SOMETHING right.. - (deSitter) - (3)
                         Indeed. Maybe not enough predators or something... -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                             Andrew had the right of it: - (admin) - (1)
                                 Re: Andrew had the right of it: - (deSitter)

Reason! Won't you put your blue dress on?
55 ms