Nor do I notice anything even er 'simplistic' in your observations here of: what might work -- were homo-sap just now wise enough to disassemble ALL the &*%*)&%-isms, save the core essays on "how not to behave like an Ass" -- and utterly vaporize the BS about "lakes of fire" along with: "70 virgins if you ___".

But, you see (you do, don't you?) we *aren't* wise - least not enough.. not often enough.. We're still adolescents and playing with fire and peddling archaic ignorance along with neutron-enhanced transistorized whatevers.

You will *never* obtain 'proof' that God exists -- as limned-out by the organized er 'scriptures'. It just doesn't work that way. (Trust me on this or don't) 'Proof' is a construct/idea applicable to (only certain hghly circumscribed parts of) mathematical theory. Really (!)

Gripes directed at you seem to be not about, "Is there God?", but a certain style, familiar to many - whereby it is tacitly presumed that key Christian concepts: are obviously True\ufffd, and it may be assumed that any 'person' must share these (like Satan et al). It is not re your (form of) 'belief' whatsoever. IMhO. (If you really *don't* know "what it is that is profoundly annoying, in the oft-presentations of Christians" (??) drop me a line. me with a b on the end jps dot net.)

As to whether there "is someThing er Higher" than what appears in daily visual displays of earth, fire & water [?] Welcome to the club. To put it as delicately as I can.. fucking-A right! there's a lot more 'going on' than our dulled perceptions ever stop flitting around long enough to.. *notice*.

(What I'm much clearer about - are the numerous 'things' It Ain't!) You may guess what numbers among that long list.

Stick around - you aren't an idiot and CRC doesn't actually Know Fucking Everything (why there are things inside a Vincent Black Shadow he's never heard of - but *I* OTOH have the actual P/Ns!)

